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Everything posted by simbabeat

  1. Ahhh my apologies Jim I missed that. Sorry to bother you with bad questions like that. Thanks!
  2. Hi Goran, Duggy lives in my hometown, Fargo, ND. I will be making a visit to Fargo this summer and I might be able to get some pictures of duggy if you need them. Cheers
  3. So there is no way this version can calculate the time until destination for ETA purposes?
  4. Alright thanks Jim. One more question while I'm at it here. Why is there never any information the highlighted area in this screenshot: Cheers
  5. Sorry, I forgot to mention it is only on some occasions. Whenever it doesn't work, a restart of x-plane fixes it. Cheers
  6. Back to what I originally said, If you will still be using XP9 it won't work on your system. It will be an XP10 only plane.
  7. If it was it wouldn't matter to some one without XP 10 because it would only work in xp 10. How do you know how much xp 10 will cost anyway?
  8. Hi, I just flew v1.3 for the first time and I am having trouble entering a waypoint ever since the update. I am sitting on the ground right now. I hit FPL then bring up the readypad, press INIT and direct to. Then I turn the little fms nob to the right EXACTLY LIKE I DID IN THE PAST and the page flashes up for a tiny second and then disappears. Here is a video of the problem: Cheers X-Plane_movie_C400_1.mov
  9. I am a total x-plane geek and I'm sure I will say my part about that later in the evolution in the topic... Maybe... But here is actually a pretty nice video of the pmdg 747-8i: It seems to have an interactive second officer. And you gotta admit, we aren't to this level yet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfLEWlDhGcY
  10. There was a review of itposted on the .org today by Voidhawk9. It might just be me but it seems like he may have been put up to it. It talks good about the .org's product the whole time and of course it was immediately put on the frontpage of the .org. http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=52298 Cheers
  11. Straight from the hardware test page: This test is not an indication of how well the product will perform on your machine, but rather a test to see if your hardware is compatible. Hope that clears that up. Ahhh thank you Cameron. Sorry to get off topic. Cheers
  12. What are you getting at, Kaphias? Are you trying to say the hardware tester does not accurately do its job? Last I checked it reported to people whether their drivers and hardware would show the displays of the CRJ just fine...just curious. No no, it appears the hardware tester works fine! From what I read in the above posts it seems people were talking about FPS- which as far as I remember the hardware tester gives no indication of. Is that correct or am I mistaken? Correct. But my understanding was that if the hardware tester worked it was a good indication if you would get good fps or not.
  13. Well a hardware tester like the CRJ's will always tell the truth.
  14. This is so detailed I'm seeing things I never noticed before on the DC-3! Hopefully it can as frame rate friendly as the XPFR B-17 for those of us in the 19 fps club hint, hint Looking great!
  15. I agree with you. The 3D cockpit is really lacking. The exterior looks good however, but not amazing. I don't think it is worth $20. maybe a low cost payware of $10, if that.
  16. Ok, I edited the post with one more significant, IMHO, detail, being that the Desktop has a bunch of applications and documents etc. you'd expect on a family computer, but the laptop doesn't as it is less frequently used. That wouldn't make a wit of difference unless they are open when you are using XP. make sure to quit everything while using XP to max out your CPU on XP.
  17. Yes, and in the built in SMC they set the fans to barely even go to 2000 even when the CPU is at 100%. Like they want you to fry your $3 million dollar laptop.
  18. You can try these two fan control thingies: http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/23137/fan-control http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/23049/smcfancontrol make sure to uninstall one before trying the other. Don't have them both installed at the same time.
  19. I don't see why you needed a new disk 1. Was it scratched bad enough that you couldn't make a .dmg?
  20. Any firewalls or proxies?
  21. Try moving the X-Plane 9 folder to the desktop. Laminar said something about that once. Also, try putting the updater in the XP9 folder. As for your second question, I would recommend making a .dmg of the disk using Disk Utility. That way you will never have to put the disk in the drive again. Cheers
  22. Hi All! I am another .org convert. I had always been skeptical of the Nicolas and that helicopter curmudgeon but my distaste has grown lately. I was finally banned for a couple days this afternoon for mentioning that it was a shame that the .org folk wouldn't mention the crj200 on the page. I'm not new to x-plane. In fact I would be more than willing to help people and show my hand at stuff. I am actively (albeit slowly) developing full .obj Cirrus SR22 and Evektor Sportstar Max models. Whenever I asked for help on the .org I was told I wasn't good enough to be developing and if I mentioned anything even close to radical my post was deleted. So anyway, I'm looking for a good x-plane community to be in. I will obviously still use the .org for the files but I hope to call x-pilot home! Anyways, just wanted to say hello! Simbabeat
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