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Everything posted by simbabeat

  1. Ha, I will! Thanks for your help guys. I feel like I have kind of gotten over the hump. If I have any more questions I won't hesitate to ask. But I think I'm all clear now. Thanks!
  2. Oh my! That'll help me get to sleep
  3. Thank you so much for helping kind sir. I am really starting to dive deep into it. My next question that I can't seem to find: If it is a fixed pitch prop where do I set the pitch that it always is in planemaker?
  4. Which brings me to another question of mine. Could someone please explain to me how to shape and twist the propeller in planemaker. All the chord stuff just doesn't make sense to me. Also, how does the shape and twist of the propeller effect the hp of the engine?
  5. Thanks for your opinions guys! I am a big flight model guy. I tend to stay away from acf's that are not accurate. However, I will not fly an unpainted planemaker model even if it is perfect flight model. Ok, bad analogy but my point is I think x-plane has gotten to a point where it has to be graphically strong along with a good flight model to be a good .acf. I want to buy the PC-12 but no matter how good people say it is and no matter how close to the checklist it is, I prefer my payware to be very graphically strong. I do not own the PC-12 but to me it seems like it is a payware flight model and a freeware cockpit. I need to two out of two to be a customer. Just my two cents...
  6. Did you recalibrate the axes in the "Joystick and Equipment" menu?
  7. Hi guys, I was just wondering what you guys thought of STMA. It seems that all I hear is praise for them but I was looking at some screens of there stuff and I was a little turned off. In their brand new "State of the Art" U-2 Dragon Lady, there is clearly a default 2D FMS texture in the "3D Cockpit." Look here: Looking over their brand new PC-12, I see a default 2D FMS and two Garmin 430's plastered into that 3d cockpit. Now that just looks ugly. So to me, this lack of quality really turns me off. I'm a real big time GA guy and they make a lot of GA. Is their stuff good and worth getting? I'd like your opinions.
  8. Well I changed the airfoil to the Sportstar's sister plane's airfoil and it worked very well. Liftoff was at correct speed and all. I never had the sportstar's airfoil in the first place. But anyway, I am still getting 130 hp in-sim even when I set it to 100 hp in planemaker and I have checked the FADEC box. Should i set it to 70 hp in planemaker to get 100 hp in sim?
  9. If your getting a Concorde itch, there was a very nice one on the .org just updated for v9. 3d cockpit and cabin. Very nice.
  10. What do you mean xp standard cockpit? I believe someone made a custom panel. I can dig it up if you don't find it.
  11. Is that the new super yacht of off the .org?
  12. Thanks for the tips Lukasz. I'll try some of them later when I have time and then I'll post the results. Thanks
  13. Hi, where did you get that TNCM scenery? Mine never looked that good.
  14. Thanks for your reply. It sure is pain-maker. As for fadec, I'm one step ahead of you. I already had that box checked and yet the engine is still going 30HP over it's limit in-sim. Why would it do that? Alright. Well I don't wanna release anything because right now it is a serious embarrassment. I have full plans for an .obj body and right now I have just pieced together a rudimentary panel just as means for test flying. If anybody would like to take a look at it please PM me. I would really appreciate it.
  15. Hi all, I have recently started developing a couple planes for x-plane. After just fooling around in planemaker with some makeshift designs for a while I have started on my first serious plane. An Evektor Sportstar Max. I have acquired a POH and have contacted some pilot's. but anyway I have some questions about planemaker. I have set the horsepower at 100HP in the engine specs window. yet somehow in the sim, it always has 134 horsepower as shown in the pic below. Also, I have set the engine redline at 5800, that is the max engine RPM, however the POH states that it can only do 5800 RPM for a minute and the max continuos RPM is 5400. How would I set that in planemaker. So those are my two little problems but here is my big one. I have modeled the whole planes body and everything perfectly in planemaker. Everything matches up to the 3 view exactly just like the Danklaue tutorials have shown how to do it. I have inputed as much info from the POH into planemaker as possible. Yet when I get in the sim, the plane will not take off at the Sportstar's VLOF of 40ish. It will not take off until 80kts. And even then the stick must be pulled all the way back to keep it airborn. Even once I get up to 120kts, I have to keep the stick all the way back to keep it in the air. Naturally, the first thing I checked in planemaker was the COG. It was right on as per the POH. I even moved the COG as far back as it could go without the plane tipping over and the same thing would still happen when flying. What could I possibly be doing wrong here folks? I'm really lost. Thanks for helping me!
  16. I agree. They are my two favorite planes and I just got their features mixed up for a second. I am pretty sure that the moving map on the MFD can display runways. This is what I could come up with on the net:
  17. Yes, SafeTaxi. Also, isn't there a feature on the MFD that when the range knob is all the way on 0.5m that that it can display little outlines of runways? I may be thinking of something else... Sorry I was thinking of the Cirrus G1000. It's a feature exclusive to that version of the g1000. It's like this: note the PFD and the MFD. I often get the Cirrus SR22 and the C400 mixed up so nevermind about that. Cheers
  18. Hi Jim, Sorry if I'm chiming in a little late on this but I'm a pretty recent customer of the Corvalis. My main request would be more expansion of the MFD. I would like to see more features of the G1000 such as visualizing the runways on the MFD or looking up the ILS frequencies on the MFD so we wouldn't have to go into the local map to know them. Also another thing I would like is a taxiing camera just like the real Corvalis. And if I'm not mistaken, that could be extremely easy to implement as it is pretty much a default instrument. And of course, If you want to really make us happy, the G1000 synthetic vision would be amazing!!! Just my two cents
  19. Heading home after spending five hours and a full fuel tank exploring the midwestern american plains. Maybe I'll go to MT. Rushmore today...
  20. A highly simulated SR22 would be nice. Maybe explore porgramming the Avidyne? air.c74's just doesn't do it for me.
  21. You can pick up FSX new at Best Buy for $20. That really shows it's age.
  22. Sorry 'twas my bad!
  23. Ahhh that's cool. My uncle is a doctor there at UND. He gives all the physicals to the pilot students or whatever you refer to them as. Small world...
  24. How much was V9 when it first came out? I forget.
  25. Hey your in GF? Are you at UND?
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