Hi All! I used to fly x-plane 9 religiously, and was very big into flight simulation. Unfortunately, I had to give it up for a while. However, this week, I dug out the old joystick and thought that I would buy X-plane 10. I popped disc 1 into my mac tonight and experienced some problems installing. I clicked the installer, it seemed to be loading up, and then it crashed. I clicked it again, and it immediately crashed. No luck on further attempts. Furthermore, I noticed that the icons in the X-plane 10 folder on disc 1 were grayed out, as if my computer is not compatible. (See attachment) I am on a Macbook Pro, running OS X Mavericks 10.9.3. Just to try, I also tried on my iMac, i5 processor, Mavericks 10.9.3. Same problem occurred. Any help would be appreciated! X-Plane Installer Log.txt