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About simbabeat

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. I’d love to buy the SR22, but I’m curious how FPS friendly it is. I don’t have have the greatest system, but I run X-Plane fine on medium-ish rendering settings. 3.2ghz I-70, 1050ti, 16gb ram. I would be curious to hear your experiences!
  2. I don't have the v9 installation anymore. I guess I'll just start downloading every scenery pack I can I guess..
  3. Hi guys, I finally got XP10 installed and am ready to start flying. Back when I used to fly XP9 I had so much scenery installed, and I guess I begin on that process again now. I seem to recall a download of scenery in xp9 that had about 500 airports, and while they were not high quality, they were something to populate the XP world. I also seem to remember a developers website that had many US based airports. Basically, what's the quickest way for me to populate my whole xp10 world today? Even if it is just pretty bad airports. Thanks for the suggestions! Simon
  4. Ahhh! Totally forgot that existed. It's been a while. Thanks Cameron!
  5. Hi All! I used to fly x-plane 9 religiously, and was very big into flight simulation. Unfortunately, I had to give it up for a while. However, this week, I dug out the old joystick and thought that I would buy X-plane 10. I popped disc 1 into my mac tonight and experienced some problems installing. I clicked the installer, it seemed to be loading up, and then it crashed. I clicked it again, and it immediately crashed. No luck on further attempts. Furthermore, I noticed that the icons in the X-plane 10 folder on disc 1 were grayed out, as if my computer is not compatible. (See attachment) I am on a Macbook Pro, running OS X Mavericks 10.9.3. Just to try, I also tried on my iMac, i5 processor, Mavericks 10.9.3. Same problem occurred. Any help would be appreciated! X-Plane Installer Log.txt
  6. Bump. Does anyone know about the Lancair Evo and the Columbia 400?
  7. Hello all. I after taking a break from X-Plane for three months or so, I got the email saying the X-Plane 10 demo had been released. I thought I might give it a try and download it. It's great. But one thing is missing. I dont have the new default Lancair Evolution in my aircraft folder. Was it not included with the demo? I am absolutely sure it isn't there. Checked every folder and searched... Cheers, Simon
  8. Oh my apologies! I guess the Mooney M20J spoiled me. That one does. Cheers
  9. The only KIAD I have ever heard of for X-Plane is here at Ted's page http://web.me.com/theosdavis/xpfiles/downloads.html Maybe it's a convert.
  10. I'm pretty sure they all have that too...
  11. All of Carenado's planes for XP have "real" 3D cockpits.
  12. I don't the blue flatters the BK as much as the orange one did but still nice! Maybe separate liveries for x-aviation and x-pilot? X-pilot is not always about x-aviation.
  13. Yup look at XPJ, IXEG, Leading Edge, Carenado. We are doing the same thing, we just still don't have enough devels.
  14. Alright MdMax, What sceneries are those? Especially the Edmonton one...
  15. Ya it is absurd that he doesn't allow repaints but whatever. Nice scenery find oregonboy!
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