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Everything posted by Dispatch

  1. Hi Tobs, it's not a bug, it's a feature. The CRJ2/CL850 is under-powered in relation to it's w&b limits. So, FL350 is totally realistic. Of course, depends on actual TOW you had. You're having 10kLBS of fuel in your screenshot. I expect you to also have some amount of payload in the back. So it's all fine with the CRJ KIAS at that FL. Cheers.
  2. Here's my personell wishlist Javier: Basically I'ld love having an adjusted CRJ to CL850 model. Systems remain the same. 1 Business Aviation - Global Express BD-700 (Bombardier) The GLEX is not too far off the CRJ (systems to code) but has very long capabilities. It is THE Business Jet (next to GV) - Gulfstream V (GV) see GLEX above but more far off CRJ - Challenger 604/5 (Bombardier) Little brother of the GLEX and very popular in Charter Business 2. Airliners - Airbus 320 I remember you already made 320 modeling. Go on with it please. - Airbus 330 / 340 Most common long range airliners in Europe and still none avbl (good ones) for XPlane. Whatever you'll create. I surely will buy it As I really love the CRJ!! But just one little promising from your side please: spend some time with Teo ;-) Cheers
  3. uhhh .. double posting. Sry. Technical finger trouble
  4. Hi Cameron, being a Mac user, my Saitek devices do not have any "drivers" to setup the whole stuff. So, I need to go by datarefs for assigning non-default X-Plane functions to buttons. Actually, I'm willing to set buttons for the fuelcut switches. This one works all fine: ENGINE STARTUP #IF BUTTON 14 SWITCHES FROM 0 TO 1 SET CRJ/eng/red1_switch TO 1 #IF BUTTON 16 SWITCHES FROM 0 TO 1 SET CRJ/eng/red2_switch TO 1 ENGINE STOP #IF BUTTON 15 SWITCHES FROM 1 TO 0 SET CRJ/eng/red1_switch TO 0 #IF BUTTON 17 SWITCHES FROM 1 TO 0 SET CRJ/eng/red1_switch TO 0 Cool eh? Well, it's not. I must prevent Buttons 15/17 to be permitted stopping engines when I'm inflight. Image you're hitting those buttons due to whatever during final approach. So, the above must be adjusted. Logically, I assigned a button 1001 linking it to AXIS 3, and finally defining a range. Then, I went on with PERMIT as follows: #SETBUTTON 1001 FROM AXIS 3 RANGE X TO Y LEFT ENGINE START #IF BUTTON 1001 SWITCHES FROM 0 TO 0 PERMIT #IF BUTTON 14 SWITCHES FROM 0 TO 1 SET CRJ/eng/red1_switch TO 1 #RESET AUTHORITY RIGHT ENGINE START #IF BUTTON 1001 SWITCHES FROM 0 TO 0 PERMIT #IF BUTTON 16 SWITCHES FROM 0 TO 1 SET CRJ/eng/red2_switch TO 1 #RESET AUTHORITY LEFT ENGINE STOP #IF BUTTON 1001 SWITCHES FROM 0 TO 0 PERMIT #IF BUTTON 15 SWITCHES FROM 1 TO 0 SET CRJ/eng/red1_switch TO 0 #RESET AUTHORITY RIGHT ENGINE STOP #IF BUTTON 1001 SWITCHES FROM 0 TO 0 PERMIT #IF BUTTON 17 SWITCHES FROM 1 TO 0 SET CRJ/eng/red2_switch TO 0 #RESET AUTHORITY ... but guess what. I does not work as it still does not prevent from stopping engines even with 100% throttle. I have been gambling around for hours now with X / Y range of the throttle - axis. But no success. According to your Dataref, the throttles have integer values from -1 to 0(idle) to 1(full). According to this, the range for switching Button 1001 from value 0 to 1 should be from 0.01 to 1.00. But it's not. I have also been trying to adjust values for the PERMIT of Button 1001 (1 to 0 / 1 to 1 ... ) and still no success. I don't have any idea how to find out the correct range of my axis. The above PERMIT - coding should be correct, is it?! Now, how to find out the real range of my axis? Many thanks in advance ... :-[
  5. Thank you Japo. I'm going to spend some more money on that. Using the Yoke / Thrust panel is pretty cool. But still missing the pedals. I also want to give TrackIR a chance. Where did I put my Visa ... ?
  6. Hi Japo, I part 2 (Timer 15:25 - 15:40) you say something about to prevent jumping the viewpoint through the whole cockpit when turning the knobs for (e.g.) Heading selection. Must confess that I (acoustically) did not understand what you said there - and as the jumping viewpoint is pretty annoying sometimes, I'ld love to turn this off. Somehow. So, do you work with any TrackIR device? I do not want to step back to any 2D panels (also not the predefined Pilot View plugin). Or maybe there is any setting within x-Plane I did not catch so far? Ohh - and one more thing. It's about the aircraft ground movement and general yoke / stick settings. I'm not using pedals so far but have got the CH Yoke / Throttle System. Should do I guess, because of the ground movement turning the aircraft left and right. In low speeds, I can handle this by differencial brakes. But in high speeds (after touch down for sample), braking left or right will not help to keep the aircraft on the track. I would be interested in your control devices and their setups with x-Plane (not assigments to buttons; it's just about stability of the aircraft). I know about the trimming. But this does not help too much on the ground. So, what's your input devices? And how did you set the axis augmentation in x-Plane setup? Thanks and Cheers
  7. Hi Cameron, despite all those troubles you have, I can't complain with the CRJ at all. Also running on 27" Mac OSX 10.6.7, I do not have encountered any CTDs or some other "technical issues". Also the FPS are pretty good. It's just some minor issues here and there, but nothing really bothering. As I luckily seem to have a plain sailing Mac running, can I be of any help for you guys? Cheers. btw. May I suggest you to state / update a list of plugins in a green / yellow / red - manner? This could actually help everybody.
  8. I'm from ZRH. The MA routes are not too accurate. Especially ZRH has got X-Plane bugs. See missing ILS28. The very only thing making me curious about your route is the return to AMIKI out of TRA. Doing the missed approach will guide you to the AMIKI Holding and back to TRA for final. But why return to AMIKI again ... not a clue. There is no need to do. For some reasons, FMC is guiding you back into the AMIKI holding. Just one more "Safety issue" (if there is some curious procedure in real aviation, we assume it being meant for some sort of "safety") ;-)
  9. Hi there, is it just me, or is selecting any numbers by mouse drag quiet hard to do. Not talking about the huge radius I need to drag it. It is more about the precision of this method which is not too good. Compression for sample. I today went into Zurich which has an ELV of 1416 ft. I was totally unable to select that elevation on the cabin pressure panel. Nearest I got was 1420 as the numbers will jump back to 1400 all the time. Also, selecting NAV sources is quiet hard. Ok, it's not the end of the world, but sometime pretty annoying I must say. Did you plan some handling improvements for any update? One more issue I have got is, that the AP panel is nearly not readable when it's dark in the cockpit. When you turn the background lights on (those labels background lights), I cannot read them any good. Is it I'm using Mac OS with it's text fonts? Thanks & Cheers
  10. Nice one! It's not on the .org - so where can we have this from? ;D
  11. I would love to have a more business aviation like livery. I know, it's "officially" the CRJ2 and not the CL850, but the differences are not significant (except the interior and some minor revisions). Here're some nice pics of the CL850 version of the CRJ: Standard white paint: Bombardier house colors: ... one more in VisaJet corporate painting: And finally the interior (only for your eye candy and not to be requested) Nice eh?! 8)
  12. Hi there, the installed one is purely new and totally maiden ref any plugins. Actually, it's just your aircrafts and the Goodway. But I'm sure, he'll figure it out when trying to solve the LEG's page issue (as mentioned in some other post). Thanks & Cheers.
  13. welcome to realistic aviation mate. Such calc is highly important to be done each time you'll hit the runway. Simply because of the weather and the weight & balance changing all the time. Once you do this a couple of times, you'll get used to it. When planning, we do have some software helpers we rely on. For sample, the Jepp Jetplanner comes with fuel estimate and GURU comes with performance data. But those are pretty expensive to afford for simulation purposes.
  14. You'll get the CRJ2 related sheets together with the file download. Including speed settings, weight and balance calculation. But thank you for sharing.
  15. Hi there, here's the data from real world operation with CL850 (revised CRJ2). Fuel burn is related to AC specs as follows: Max fuel according to the manual: 18'155 lbs Max (true) possible fuel: 17'637 lbs BOW: 15'263 lbs ZFW (max): 19'958 lbs MTOW: 52'890 lbs MLW: 21'316 lbs Basic fuel calculation we use for CL850: Taxi fuel: 772 lbs + Burn: ... + Contingency: 5.00% + ALTN fuel: ... + Holding fuel: 0h30 + Reserve fuel: ... = Total fuel Consumption (avg) 1st hour (incl climb): 3'000 lbs Consumption (avg) 2nd hour: 2'500 lbs Consumption (avg) 3rd hour: 2'000 lbs Consumption (avg) 4th hour: 2'000 lbs Of course, the burn is always subject to the wind conditions. So, you'll never have it 100% accurate.
  16. mmmm I did not do the tutorial so far. But it should be something in basic, not related to the tutorial itself I guess. For me, the AP behaves all fine so far. Only good idea I have is the vertical speed setting to be positive. Do not mix up the direction in which the VS is set. Sorry, no more ideas so far ... :-\
  17. Did you also check actual weather ref the baro setting? Basic question: when hitting the AP, at what FL are you then? Below, even or above the armed alt setting?
  18. Hi there, I'll stick to the original one, too. Simply because it better pretends the movement. My personal opinion. But thank you very much for sharing your work! Cheers.
  19. Hi Rizzo, did you do the weight and balance for trimming the pitch? I'm sure you checked the vertical speed and alt settings. Ref the x.Planes control settings, I've came to the conclusion to set the stability augmentation to 0% to prevent from any flattering around. Cheers.
  20. Hi folks, it's been a long and winding road ... but finally you've made it! Javier, ever compared the performance with real CRJ/CL850? I've sent you the real plans a couple of month ago. Haven't done so far, but will check it. Just wondering .... -- FMS ISSUE -- Actually, the CRJ has become the best AC for the sim world. Got my copy. So far, I have found one (not mentioned) error with the FMS. Hitting the PPOS labelled Button of the LEG page, I have encountered immediate crash to desktop. Tried that 3 times now to prevent from 'bad luck' under several conditions and it happened each time. Quiet sure, it does not relate to my computer as CRJ is running excellently fine. Well, but here's some basic data: - iMac 11,1 - Mac OSX 10.6.7 - i7 quad core @ 2.8 GHz - 8GB DDR3 - ATI Radeon HD4850 512MB - 2'560 X 1440 at fullscreen with almost standard settings (avg FPS approx. 45) - x-Plane 9.69 - other plugins installed: Goodway 4.2 - no Navigraph yet I've deleted that log.txt already. So, cannot fwd to you. If you'll need it anyway, please let me re-do the issue later. Kindly let me know if needed. ---- Finally, a big shout to you guys working that hard the last month. Very well done! Of course, a complex system has got issues to be fixed. You know what? The real aircraft do have those also. What I would like to see in any future updates is the CL850 version of the CRJ. Actually not too much in difference as it's more or less just a revised CRJ, used for business aviation purposes. Javier, see my above mentioned eMail ref further details to it. Also, I wonder if the red colored terms (of the manual) can be updated. That would be great! If there is anybody out there, not having his copy so far -> Go and get it today. That aircraft is what you've been waiting for if you like your trips being serious and very close to the real life operations (my daily bread from dispatch point of view). Cheers everybody.
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