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Everything posted by FirstOfficerTom

  1. Oh thanks
  2. Congratulations on the birth of your son! I'd like to put forward the idea of a Boeing 727 or MD-80 Tom
  3. Was it just me that after seeing the videos went to the x737 website to check if there had been any news/updates?
  4. Would just like to express my continued support for the IXEG team for this project, can't wait for the release, you guys are doing a great job
  5. Yes I suppose thats fair enough, I mean I started with X-Plane 9 so I wouldn't really know, does Laminar not update things such as the FMC in a major installment? :-\ I know obviously they cant completely remake the sim, even so... Tom
  6. Im not complaining, I am trying to say that its disappointing to see such a beautiful aircraft landed with the basic default FMC which works and is simple yes, but for me personally not as fun as a custom FMC. if it is compatible with UFMC then I will gladly purchase it
  7. Looks absoloutely stunning Javier! ;D Another excellent work from you, I think the x-plane community are really very lucky to have you developing for us! ;D I have a question though, Will this aircraft have full systems? I can see that there is the default FMC there which is a bit disappointing but hey ho, i guess ill just have to purchase the UFMC if thats going to be compatible. Anyways, Excellent work!!! ;D ;D ;D Tom
  8. Ahh What a fatal error, please accept my apologies, I had it installed there but it was saying i had to install it in the resources/plugins folder ??? I will bring that up with pierre, My mistake, Sorry again Tom
  9. Hey all, I know that the plugin conflict was meant to be resolved between the CRJ and x737 but I have whittled the problem down and found this. With the x737 plugin installed, in the CRJ, I will attach the GPU via the FMS, then upon clicking the AC power button to switch it from 'available' to 'in use', the sim crashes to desktop. Im running a iMac 2011, 4 core running at 2.7Ghz (if thats needed ) It may just be my sim and an underlying problem but I took all my other plugins out and tested all of them and it only happened with the x737 plugin installed. I personally have no problem with just removing the x737 plugin from the folder when using the CRJ, just thought others may find this hassling if they come across it. Can anyone confirm if they have the same problem? If anyone would like more information on my sim settings or anything else required, ill be happy to provide the information speedily Thanks, Tom
  10. I cannot thank you guys enough! Thank you so much! I would have never noticed that myself Thankyou! ;D ;D ;D
  11. sorry I tried attaching it but an error message kept coming up, thanks
  12. Hello, My brother and I spent a little while in photoshop creating our first livery for the Carenado PA-28 Archer II. However, having put it in Planemaker and the sim, we find that a panel section of the livery is not rendering, we have moved about the polygons on the file to see if that changes anything, it doesnt. All the liveries packaged with the aircraft work fine, just not ours Picture of the aircraft in Planemaker with panel missing: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/36/screenshot20110628at165.png/ The fuselage png we used: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/204/cararcherfuselage.png/ Any clues? Tom
  13. Heres my two cents, Ive never personally come into contact with Cameron but from my experience with X-A, the service is excellent. Theres always a chance your points are true, but unless we have SOLID EVIDENCE e.g. e-mails, personal messages etc. then there is no basis for us to believe your allegations. If, however you produce these e-mail logs then I will stand corrected, but until that point, these are false accusations and you are simply trolling the forum for attention. As for the whole name change/karma system abusing thing.... seriously? I don't think that self-righteous, protesting behaviour is needed here. At the end of the day, if you don't like it and your not going to produce evidence, there are other X-Plane forums around. No one is begging you to stay. Tom
  14. Hi everyone, Im doing my PPL at Biggin Hill with Cabair. I've got my medical done and all that awaits now is the air law exam. I have the Pooleys range of books and the PPL confuser. I have a massive interest in aviation and I want to go all the way and become an ATP. I am just finding it ridiculously hard to absorb air law. I am a visual learner (learn best by seeing pictures/diagrams/colour) and I thought I would go through the book and make colourful notes with diagrams. After 5 hours of this I had got through 20/183 pages :-\ After searching on PPrune, I found that some had learnt the entire syllabus in merely a few hours. I have spent a good 5 hours reading thoroughly but still when I flick back to a page I find that I havent learnt half of it Any tips? ???
  15. Ive got the 727 from xpfw which is nicely modelled but the cockpit is of XP9 default a/c standard. Does anyone know of a 727 currently in development? Thanks, Tom
  16. I totally agree with dispatch would love to see some more private liveries
  17. Hey, I have just got the 21.5inch quad core i5 2011 model I think your talking about and I totally agree, if you can, go with the i7, but i think the i5 is a beast, it handles x-plane on very close to full specs flawlessly, even with the CRJ If you want my actual rendering settings I can find out for you Tom
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