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Everything posted by FirstOfficerTom

  1. Definitely with MTR1994 on that one!
  2. I think I smell a troll...
  3. Hi ZRoman, thanks for showing the proof on the 777. My apologies. Having said that, I've just seen your post on your blog about the moderators at the .org. Who on earth do you think you are, I think that's absolutely pathetic. Grow up.
  4. Thanks for pointing that out, mis-read.
  5. I think we have quite the right to accuse you as you've a history of illicit activity in this respect. The comment on your 'vent' saying they're all boring old fellas with sticks up our asses is plain out of order. With that kind of attitude it's surprising you get any positive attention.
  6. You seem to elude quite constantly form actual evidence showing us and those at the org that you are not illegally converting aircraft.
  7. Hi Cameron, I did so in a User account on my iMac and the CRJ worked as expected, which led me to then move my X-Plane 10 folder to a normal user account at which point Bingo it works! Only problem now is that I have to choose between scenery and CRJ (as the scenery for some reason still refuses to work in a non-root account). Thanks for all the help, really appreciate it! Tom
  8. Hi Cameron, Yes I too was very confused with this, I contacted Aerosoft who replied once, then not again leaving me with no solution and I found that if I ran the installer in the admin account for an X-Plane 10 folder in the admin account the files were available. Tom
  9. Hi Phillipp, I run it as an admin because the Aerosoft scenery pack wouldn't work unless it had admin privileges. Thank you Phillipp and Cameron for your help. Avidly awaiting a fix! Tom
  10. Hi Phillipp, I looked under user diagnostic reports and there were none whatsoever but there were numerous under 'System Diagnostic Reports'. Not knowing much about logs myself I scanned through and it looks like it may be the one you're looking for. This CTD occured under the same circumstances using the CRJ v1.4.2 The file was a .crash but I changed it to a .txt file for easy viewing. I have also included the Log.txt file from this occurrence. Thanks, Tom X-Plane_2012-02-07-195230_iMac.txt Log.txt
  11. Sorry, forgot to attach the file Here it is
  12. Hi Cameron, Thanks for the reply, I ran a search in Finder and Spotlight but couldn't find such file, where can I locate it? As you said, I put the sim on minimal resolution (You're right, horrific lol), and still encountered a CTD. Here's the log.txt for that. Tom
  13. Hi Developers, I have been a CRJ-200 customer from day one and adore this aircraft, it flew perfectly in X-Plane 9, but I haven't at all been able to fly the aircraft in X-Plane 10. I have waited through a few updates to see if my problem would be resolved but it has not. I have no plugins in my X-Plane 10 directory (as advised in the pinned thread), yet when loading the CRJ, the sim loads the aircraft, then when the message "Done with pre-loading" appears, a CTD occurs. As you can imagine this is very frustrating for me, please find attached my Log.txt, no Crash log was produced. EDIT: My system specs are iMac late 2011 intel i5 @ 2.7Ghz 4GB DDR3 1333Mhz, 1TB HDD ATI AMD Radeon HD 6770M VRAM: 512MB Thanks in advance for any advice you have to offer, Tom Log.txt
  14. Simply gorgeous!
  15. Thanks for the replies, woweezowee, I tried that, I had to use the root account and the chmod command, unlocked all the folders which have contents, but still no scenery :\
  16. I tried, Cameron didn't answer my personal message. Thanks for the reply T, I've tried that, and yes I knew that.
  17. Hi everyone, I've received my Aerosoft US Community Edition of X-Plane 10 and I have a problem I hope can be resolved. I installed the scenery for Europe and the US, along with the 9th CD. I then booted up the sim and was disappointed to find that the scenery for Nice and any that may be there for EGLL was missing. I've tried deleting and reinstalling which didn't work. I've included links to screenshots of my Custom Scenery folder, and in-sim shots of Nice and London Heathrow. My log.txt file is also available (by e-mail) to anyone who think it's of relevance. London Heathrow: http://imageshack.us...11226at234.png/ London Heathrow (2): http://imageshack.us...11226at234.png/ Nice: http://imageshack.us...11226at235.png/ Nice (2): http://imageshack.us...11227at000.png/ My Custom Scenery Folder (Contains only these aerosoft folders): http://imageshack.us...11227at000.png/ Many thanks
  18. Me too! Ordered the metal tin US Community edition from Aerosoft on Sunday and received it today with free postage! Very impressed.
  19. Hello again everyone, Another question popped to mind, I looked all over the web last night to find a list of the default aircraft (more specifically the heavy metal civillian airliners! ) for v10 but I just couldn't find one, even after downloading the manual (I don't have my setup here so there's no point downloading the demo on this machine). Thanks! Tom
  20. Hi all, Haven't had a chance to download the demo and I'm waiting for the aerosoft release of v10, but I remember hearing on XPFW a while ago that an MD-80 would come as a default aircraft with v10 and that's why work was halted on one of their projects, although I've heard/seen nothing about this, anyone have any info? Tom
  21. Just thought I'd input here, I don't fly bonanza's in RL but I do fly archers and carenados was visually perfect but the flight model was not. The engine seemed too powerful and the turning was sloppy and slow even at high speeds. Wasn't impressed.
  22. All incredibly interesting, glad it's going well I have a question I don't think has been posed before, despite being a mainly cockpit focused guy, how is the exterior model? And will it have the animations of say a captain sim aircraft? e.g. opening engine cowling flaps/emergency slides etc. All the best, Tom
  23. Hi Kieran, I use the CH Flight Sim Yoke and CH Pro Rudder pedals. I fly PA-28's in real life and can tell you that it is a worthy purchase. I got mine on Ebay.co.uk for £80 (GBP). The controls are very lifelike but are fairly 'light' which is to be expected as there are no yoke's out there that simulate the wind effect on the ailerons/elevator. I would highly recommend it over the saitek alternative as the saitek yoke commonly has 'ghost inputs' meaning that you will not touch the yoke but it could input to the computer that you are banking right etc etc. Having said that, the saitek throttle quadrant is a better as it can be mounted separately to the yoke and is more functional than the small throttle quadrant on the CH Yoke. I've used my yoke on my 2009 white macbook with XP9 and my 2011 Imac with XP9 and with both there is no input latency whatsoever and the refresh rate is not affected, if that's what your inferring MdMax :S I've heard the PFC yoke is also very good but is an enormous amount of money, I'd suggest researching more if you have the money to blow on that. Any other questions about the CH yoke, I'd be happy to help Tom
  24. Hello all, I'm fully ready for my air law exam now, booked it for a few days time Just wanted a bit more info on the exam itself, Is it an hour long? How many questions will it have? I haven't been flying for a while so haven't had a chance to ask my instructor, Thanks! Tom
  25. Hello everyone, Today I was watching some of the PMDG 737NGX videos and marvelling at their work when an idea struck me. We, the X-Plane community, have plenty of top class developers working to produce marvellous aircraft for us. As has been previously established, teams of developers do that job faster and more efficiently than one of two developers. Now I understand that everyone has their own ideas on what they want produced etc etc, but I thought, why don't the developers we have come together to form a few, large scale teams of developers to work to produce better quality aircraft more quickly? If you think about it, each developer (I assume in most cases) has a specific area in which they excel (e.g. modelling, systems programming), so why not bring all those talents together into two or three projects that will get finished quicker and be of incredibly high standard? I'm not saying this is a full proof idea that should go into action, I understand that there would be problems with many conflicting ideas and monetary problems, but just think, wouldn't that be cool? Just a thought I had that I thought I'd share Tom
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