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Everything posted by cantab88

  1. Thanks for the quick reply! I will do my best to find the culprit. Cheers Alex
  2. Hello everyone, First, I would just like to say that I absolutely love this plane, and was delighted to hear of the latest update. Downloaded update, and installed the Gizmo Beta. The 737 is so smooth and a pleasure to fly, but... A sound issue, (which also occurred before this update) which does not seem to have been resolved, even though I have done my due diligence and looked for solutions on the various forums. While others have had similar issues, I have yet to read of one who experiences the following: 1. If I load the plane in turnaround mode, the aircon is on - the moment I hear that sound, I know that I will never be able to escape it. Go to external view, the loud aircon is there (much louder than the engines), go to cabin view, the aircon is there. Change prefs to Cold and Dark, change flight and 737 loads dark, but the aircon is still there. 2. Yesterday, a new scenario presented itself. Had no sound issues setting the plane up until the point I was ready for pushback, put on my beacon and the airbridge started to retract, (SAM enabled airport) The airbridge retracts with the caution alarm, as soon as the ringing starts, it doesn't end, no matter what I do. 36,000ft and 100kms away from the airport, the infernal ringing. Cant escape it, like above, I will change flight, cold and dark and the ringing will persist. So, it would seem the problem is not just related to the sounds made by the IXEG 737, but other plugin sounds? Has anyone else experienced this? Since, this is the only plane that does this, I am reluctant to uninstall SAM, et al until I have a better grasp on what might be causing this. Any help would be appreciated, since I love this bird. Cheers Alex
  3. Hello, I am having some trouble finding the full list of custom commands that should be available to me, as outlined in the IXEG interface guide.(pg. 15) I have uploaded an image of what is available in the X-Plane joystick setup menu. As you can see, I only have two options to choose from, "Throttle Intervention Button" and "Toggle Speed mode". I collapse and expand the IXEG tree, and this is all I get. I was hoping that when I installed the new update that this would have changed, but unfortunately it has stayed the same. No doubt, there is a simple explanation that I am missing (apologies in advance), but for the life of me I can't seem to find those missing commands. I would be grateful for any assistance. Cheers Alex X-Plane 11.11 Mac user IXEG v1.21 HOTAS Warthog
  4. Thank you for your prompt reply. Alex
  5. Hello, I tried to install the update (3 times). 1. Installation. No problems 2. Fire up X-plane, and the plane is installed and available in the Flight Configuration "aircraft" section 3. Configure flight, press "Start Flight", and soon thereafter I get this: "An airfoil file is too old or corrupted! The airfoil path I checked is listed below! Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/airfoils/Hstab.afl Get that foil updated if you want to fly! (aifl.cpp:179)" Crash to desktop I have a 2018 iMac (Sierra), X-plane 11.05r. I have had absolutely no problems with this aircraft, in fact it has been the most stable and my favourite to date, so this is a bit disconcerting. Any thoughts? Cheers Alex
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