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  1. Hi, Using FlyWithLua I wanted to map some push buttons to DataRefs. These being AT disengage, AP disengage and TOGA. The TOGA DataRef works fine - DataRef("ptrXPTOGA","ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_toga_act", "writable") however the AT and AP DataRefs when defined cause a continuous audible sound just by being defined not even mappped to a button. DataRef("ptrXPATDisingage","ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_at_disengage_act", "writable") DataRef("ptrXPAPDisingage","ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_ap_disengage_act", "writable") I have managed to get them working by mapping the push buttons to IXEG commands directly in XP12 joystick settings. Disengage AT - ixeg/733/autopilot/at_disengage Disengage AP - ixeg/733/autopilot/AP_disengage Not sure if this is a bug or by design, or even operator error Thank you.
  2. The patch has fixed my system and Living Scenery Techology now works with IXEG 737
  3. Hi All, I have spent the last hour trouble shooting and found the conflict. It would appear that the IXEG 737 does not play nicely with Living Scenery Technology By X-Codr - https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/82876-living-scenery-technology/ There are several commercial scenery developers using this interface/plugin in their products which makes it a requirement if you want to use those scenerys. I hope that IXEG and X-Codr can have a conversation to provide a fix please.
  4. Hi, Me too... Every time I load the IXEG 737 it reduces my interior and exterior sound sliders to zero. I go into XP sound settings, turn them to full and then when I go back to the cockpit it is all silent again. Going back to sound sliders they have been set to zero again. This only happens with the IXEG 737 which I loaded ony 10 mins ago. XP12 12.06R3. I also just tried "ready to fly" state plus XP "engines ready" and I get no cockpit lights or displays! Too many of us with the same problem can't be a coincidence? Log.txt
  5. I am 60 tomorrow and was hoping for an early birthday present. Never mind, as you get older you learn to be more patient
  6. Hi Jan, Thank you for your quick response. I think it could be due to having twice the vertical and horizontal resolution which would make the click areas half as big. I come to that conclusion as I notice that if I look very closely the hand cursor changes in size and I can actually move a knob for a short rotation. To get around this, I have mapped a button that allows me to quickly switch between full screen and windowed mode. Thanks for the tip re "borderless window", which I found here if anyone else has the same issue. https://www.howtogeek.com/324835/how-to-play-any-windows-game-in-full-screen-borderless-windowed-mode/ Quick question if I may - Will you being changing over to the mouse wheel hover so that you can just move your mouse wheel up and down to rotate a knob? Regards, Ted.
  7. Hi I have just purchased the wonderful 737 Classic but I have found that 'mouse click and drag' on my single 4K screen only works in windowed mode and not 4K full screen mode. This does not happen with default X-Plane aircraft, my Flight Factor 757 or FlyJSim 727. Is there a setting that I can apply to change the way the rotary knobs and switches react to the mouse? Such as using the mouse scroll wheel to turn the rotary knobs, as it would seem that in 4K full screen mode, the click areas are being miss read. Thank you for you assistance. Ted.
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