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Everything posted by radargeek

  1. Thanks for the prompt reply. I went back to one of the approaches and it seemed to work fine, must have been something I was doing Thank You Again
  2. I am using X-Plane 9.7. I have been using the CRJ-200 From the first release. Up until this point I have not had any trouble flying ILS Approaches. Since I installed the 1.4.2 update for the CRJ-200 I have not been able to Catch the Glide Slope on any approaches. Has something changed procedurally with the aircraft? I have not attached any logs as this does not appear to be an X-Plane problem. I am running the Sim on a Mac Pro. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Any word on when the 1.1 update will be available?
  4. Just a heads up to everyone. Downloaded the plane and installed. No problem. When I started Xplane with the X737 as the loaded aircraft the simulation crashed on start up. I removed the x737 and restarted Xplane with out any problems. Not sure if the aircraft caused the problem but moving it solved it.
  5. Works for me. 2.93Ghz Quad Core Intel Xenon Mac OSX.6 8Gb Ram
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