Perhaps a bit off topic but a great Segway to this....
While true that some of us have "ancient" OS's. Remember Cameron, there may be, might be, could be, perhaps other reasons that "some of us" are still running Win7....remember in life, never assume anything. That sometimes things are not what they seem. You know the old saying, when one assumes something, it makes an ASS out of U and ME.
Just to add to this discussion. Never assume for instance that I for one haven't tried to update to Win10. Which I did try twice!. On my system if failed, miserably. I could not get a successful install due to a wide variety of errors such as greyed out menu's, boot to black screen and others. I spend several days, for hours working though the supposed solutions. I used my Win10 laptop to do the solution searches and access my email and other necessary connections. I used a local computer expert friend for advice and finally I used a local computer shop specialist. All were unsuccessful; nobody could find a solution to a successful Win10 install. So it wasn't from a lack of trying. It is believed that I have so much software installed for my purposes that there are conflicts with windows OS. When I say, so much, I mean, three flight sims as well, 10 to 15 photo manipulation programs (I do photo restoration and enhancements for hobby money), I have half a dozen video making software packages (I make movie videos, I capture and convert old 8mm and super 8 movies into digital in every format possible and I do enhancements and add sound etc), I write books and have several programs to deal with proper writing, I am now doing book publishing and require several programs to assist with publishing work, and I do many other unique things and have two scanners, two printers, one photo PC is nothing but a massive work horse...and perhaps Windows didn't really account for guys like me that know how to really get the most out of a PC.
My only solution will be the totally replacement of my PC, given the cost of this one $2,700 CAN, not including my newly purchased video card upgrade and the $1,000s in software I own licenses, it will mean huge cost in money and time to move to a new PC. It's just not going to happen anytime soon, I do have a wife looking over my shoulder who would rather me buy a new car for instance.
Some of life's philosophy. So, just to be clear, yes a Win10 Pro upgrade would be great, but never assume people's situations, their health, their age and their daily struggles.
Thanks for the solution to this issue and combining my posts into one.