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Ocean Tsunami

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  1. Ocean's Challenger 650 Overhaul Signature / Atlantic View File Please read the included 'READ ME' File Atlantic / Signature signage / handling slips New 'wood' floors in the FBO with Navigraph screens iPhone 13 reskin for the cell phone. (I still need to redo the SatPhone as the buttons don't look great on it yet from the reskin of the iPhone) Replaced the oil service can with the real Aeroshell 500 Refueling slip complete with fuel card (Currently only Shell Aviation) Shell Refueling truck Global Deicer livery. As a final note: Before altering please ask (as I can probably save you some time with a pre-filled PSD) and If you want to send an idea on a future FBO / fuel truck / any others, please send them to Ocean Tsunami in the Hotstart discord. Submitter Chainn2213 Submitted 09/19/2022 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
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  2. Version 1.0.0


    Please read the included 'READ ME' File Atlantic / Signature signage / handling slips New 'wood' floors in the FBO with Navigraph screens iPhone 13 reskin for the cell phone. (I still need to redo the SatPhone as the buttons don't look great on it yet from the reskin of the iPhone) Replaced the oil service can with the real Aeroshell 500 Refueling slip complete with fuel card (Currently only Shell Aviation) Shell Refueling truck Global Deicer livery. As a final note: Before altering please ask (as I can probably save you some time with a pre-filled PSD) and If you want to send an idea on a future FBO / fuel truck / any others, please send them to Ocean Tsunami in the Hotstart discord. Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any data loss or any problems / issues that are the result of you using these files.
  3. Noticed this as well in my preflight.
  4. Good morning everyone, I was flying last night out of Cape Town (FACT) off RWY 19 and I discovered that the jet initially captured the turn outbound, but failed to continue to follow the SID out which necessitated a DIR intercept on the RIV VOR. Please see the attached Route Image showing how it processed the initial climb out. Route Flown: KODE1B KODES UZ30 UPV UT916 NETOD/N0450F370 UT916 VLS UR779 APGEL/N0442F390 UR779 MB UP312 EVATO UM315 NV UP312 WAV UM997 ASTAR ASTA1R I've attached the Weather at the time of departure and a video below.
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