Hello guys @Litjan and @ktomais, been a busy couple of days, sorry for the lack of feedback.
So, Reinstalled everything.
I can confirm that RTO works normally if I abort the takeoff roll.
On landings, I managed to get my A/B to work if I change my own piloting, as in I now wait a little longer to engage reversers, usually after nose gear touchdown.
But with a default *.acf, the problems with the steering comes back. @ktomaissuggestion for a nosewheel tiler doesnt work well for me, since I dont have an axis for that, and I DO like my steering synced to my yaw axis, (joystick with twist rudder on Z axis).
So, yeah. It's a quirk of the aircraft that I'll have to adapt myself around.
On a side note, fully default installation, no lua scripts whatsoever are active, I notice my pedestal floodlights and Dome Lights arent working, or at least are very dim. panel integral backlighting and background floodlighs, including fluorescent panel flood is working normally. Is this correct?