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Everything posted by Nicola_M

  1. That's a sweet livery, but it's missing a letter on the registration.
  2. Just google images for British Airways. You'll see it's more of a very dark blue than a bright one. It would also be nice to know what plane it is. Yeh, I can recognise a 747, but most airliners just look like cheese with wings to me. I couldn't tell them apart.
  3. Brilliant. Well done.
  4. Ah, yes you're right. It is PNG.
  5. Great! Make a black background of 2048x2048. Make the picture you want the size 1366x768 and position it roughly where I've positioned mine. Save it as a bitmap. Load and test. If the position's wrong, adjust, save and load again. Hope you get there.
  6. I don't know what version of xp you have but I'm using xp9.70 and the image has to be in bitmap format (.bmp) and goes in xplane 9/resources/bitmaps. The image you want to display must be the same size as your screen. I've changed my Intro screen, and as you can see, depending on your screen resolution, you have to position your image carefully for it all to show up. You start off with a 2048x2048 background. Make it any colour, but bright red is great for testing. This is so that when testing, if this colour shows up it will indicate if you need to reposition your image. Then, paste into a new layer the image you want as your Intro image. You have to position it carefully for it to show up. On mine below, although the total (black) picture size is 2048x2048, the actual picture (sky and helicopter) is the size of my screen, which is 1900x1200. The black does not show up on the screen. It's a case of trial and error to get your image in the right place on the screen. Maybe download my screen and see where the image sits on your screen, and use that as a template for positioning yours. But remember, the final image must be a bitmap.
  7. That blue on the underside is a bit bright for the BA livery.
  8. The irony is that for anything to happen realistically, some North Koreans need to see how it is on this side of the fence. Only then will they be angry that they haven't got/can't have what we've got, and then they'll turn on Fatboy. The trouble is, his regime makes it impossible for any NK's to get a glimpse of what's on this side of the fence - no internet, no outside travel etc. At least the East Germans could SEE what it was like in the West. The NK's can't.
  9. At the end of the day, the North Koreans somehow need to wake up and smell the coffee and depose their beloved Fatboy-with-the-stupid-hair. Unfortunately, they are so brainwashed by he and his ilk, that the chances of said dream happening are next to zero.
  10. FloB Yes, I'm well aware of IXEG. They are a small team. Small is good. I was replying to Ahmed's original suggestion that "if all X-Plane aircrafts designers unite together." You'd have them all tripping over each other. A group that large would find it very difficult to produce anything, let alone any quicker than is current.
  11. re read, I adjusted my post above while you were typing.
  12. Sorry, I don't buy that. We throw food aid at third world countries left, right and centre, when our jobs are given to immigrants instead of our own, our hospitals are at crisis point, and huge swathes of our population have to choose whether to heat their homes or eat, while economic parasites just walk in and get handed benefits the rest of us can't get. It is not our fault if aid is appropriated by local warlords for themselves. What would you suggest, we invade everyone and depose those who steal the food and aid? Didn't work in Afghanistan, hasn't worked in Iraq, and sure as hell hasn't worked in Libya. It's a sore point, considering on Monday it was announced that UK-donated aid of half a billion £ was destroyed by Al Qaeda in Somalia. So my hard-earned taxes being thrown there is an open wound. Third World countries could very easily feed themselves. If you have water, soil and sunlight you can grow crops. But no, rather than work on the land and irrigate crop fields, they'd rather spend their time making babies they can't feed. Or murdering each other.
  13. Yes, we in the NWO are fed BS and all the rest of it. The difference is, we have the internet and collective intelligence to question when we think we can smell sh*t, as you have so eloquently described. The NK's can't, because they're stuck behind a wall of silence.
  14. I agree with all of what's been posted. Jim basically told it how it is. Things will never change in NK until the "leadership" there is erased/killed off/exiled/removed from power. Only then will NK's population be able to see how it actually is outside their country, and see the crap that's been going on inside their own. I wouldn't want to live there - or even visit - as I would have a hard time looking people in the eye and knowing they struggle for food from one day to the next while their Great Leader stuffs himself silly with every luxury. Yes, sights may be worth looking at, but it's the people that make the experience too.
  15. I think that's being more than a little optimistic. Put a dozen chefs around a saucepan - do you think between all twelve they'd all make a soup in less than a minute? Only a couple could get to the pan at once.
  16. I can just see it now..... Aircraft weight & Balance - Load passengers aka paratroops (passengers aka paratroops appear in cabin). Half an hour into flight....(and preferably over land or something solid)... Ctrl+O - deselect passengers aka paratroops (passengers aka paratroops disappear from cabin). You have to imagine the jumping-out bit. I like Cameron's version better.... I can't do it without irony.
  17. Hopefully Cameron can close and take down this thread, which has unfairly besmirched Dan and Carenado's character.
  18. That is, unfortunately, the fallout when we have children taking part in what is an adult's hobby.
  19. That's exactly why my suspicions were raised.
  20. I have to say I was a little suspicious that while your (Steven's) screenshot clearly showed where your name and account details are, the OP's screenshot didn't. Not saying I believe or disbelieve, but that little missing detail has had me scratching my head..... I'm sure I could knock up a screenie showing me having bought something I haven't.
  21. Holy crap. I am speechless. The gloss on that engine!
  22. Wow, that's some attention to detail.
  23. Why not pool resources and work together?
  24. I'm sure he's a nice guy and all that, but right now I'm thinking "Complete Knob."
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