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Everything posted by irishpilot94

  1. would you be able to link me the download for this please.
  2. thank you very much that looks stunning.
  3. Hi could someone with the skill i don't posses which is making liveries, could you please help me with this livery. i have tried and failed making it as i am new and although my attempt wasn't the worst i would love nothing more than to have this livery to fly. great regards Alan
  4. problem resolved. my thrust was low idle i had to use plane maker to up the values.
  5. i've just tested it again and no light on the overhead is illuminated. i have reached the cruise. i tried a reload of the aircraft and it still appears
  6. i hope it is only that but each flight i do i reach the cruise level i have inserted. it has me baffled
  7. Each flight I do using the ixeg 737 I always get this warning light that says [overhead]. I have followed the steps by some YouTubers and yet I still get this light come on, it usually happens during the descent and landing phase. In the picture I have set Dublins landing alt at 250ft and I have set the cab alt 200ft below the landing alt so it is set as 50ft. my cruise alt was fl180 as set on the panel. Has anybody else had a similar problem.
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