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  1. would you be able to link me the download for this please.
  2. thank you very much that looks stunning.
  3. Hi could someone with the skill i don't posses which is making liveries, could you please help me with this livery. i have tried and failed making it as i am new and although my attempt wasn't the worst i would love nothing more than to have this livery to fly. great regards Alan
  4. problem resolved. my thrust was low idle i had to use plane maker to up the values.
  5. i've just tested it again and no light on the overhead is illuminated. i have reached the cruise. i tried a reload of the aircraft and it still appears
  6. i hope it is only that but each flight i do i reach the cruise level i have inserted. it has me baffled
  7. Each flight I do using the ixeg 737 I always get this warning light that says [overhead]. I have followed the steps by some YouTubers and yet I still get this light come on, it usually happens during the descent and landing phase. In the picture I have set Dublins landing alt at 250ft and I have set the cab alt 200ft below the landing alt so it is set as 50ft. my cruise alt was fl180 as set on the panel. Has anybody else had a similar problem.
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