Have spent a lot of time trying to determine reasons which cause the CTD.
My conclusions:
1) defaul x-plane' airplanes don't interact with my set of plug-ins "in the bad way", and plug-ins don't interact with each other in the way that could cause issues.
2) IXEG 733 as is - very reliable in x-plane 11 and doesn't interact with my plug-ins (in case xEnviro is OFF). Very stable.
3) Crashes are definitely affected by interaction between IXEG 733 (GIZMO part?) and xEnviro (v1.07).
I attached 2 sets of log files, gathered them right after crashes.
Hope it'll help to solve the problem.
Anyway, still a happy customer, and want to thank IXEG crew for the opportunity to have such a great plane in the sim world.
Here a bunch of plug-ins that I use with x-plane 11:
1) Landing G-meter v2.0.2 https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/7995-landing-speed-plugin/
2) BetterPushback v0.44 https://github.com/skiselkov/BetterPushbackC/releases
3) HeadShake v1.7 https://www.simcoders.com/headshake/features-and-download
4) X-Camera v2.3 https://www.stickandrudderstudios.com/x-camera/download-x-camera/
5) eBag v1.00 https://sites.google.com/site/xplanepluginsnet/download
6) xEnviro 1.07 http://xenviro.net/index.php#update
My system specs: i5-6600K 4.2GHz, 16GB GDDR-4 2133MHz, GTX-960 4 Gb, SSD 850EVO 500Gb
Windows 10 v1703
X-Plane 11 v11.05r2
IXEG 733 v1.2
I included the whole x-plane 11 folder into exclusions in my KIS 17 and windows defender as well.