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Big Brother

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  1. Already done! Will see what xEnviro team say. I'm still hoping that you guys can solve problem in cooperation... without noding to each other.
  2. Hi. Have spent a lot of time trying to determine reasons which cause the CTD. My conclusions: 1) defaul x-plane' airplanes don't interact with my set of plug-ins "in the bad way", and plug-ins don't interact with each other in the way that could cause issues. 2) IXEG 733 as is - very reliable in x-plane 11 and doesn't interact with my plug-ins (in case xEnviro is OFF). Very stable. 3) Crashes are definitely affected by interaction between IXEG 733 (GIZMO part?) and xEnviro (v1.07). I attached 2 sets of log files, gathered them right after crashes. Hope it'll help to solve the problem. Anyway, still a happy customer, and want to thank IXEG crew for the opportunity to have such a great plane in the sim world. Here a bunch of plug-ins that I use with x-plane 11: 1) Landing G-meter v2.0.2 https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/7995-landing-speed-plugin/ 2) BetterPushback v0.44 https://github.com/skiselkov/BetterPushbackC/releases 3) HeadShake v1.7 https://www.simcoders.com/headshake/features-and-download 4) X-Camera v2.3 https://www.stickandrudderstudios.com/x-camera/download-x-camera/ 5) eBag v1.00 https://sites.google.com/site/xplanepluginsnet/download 6) xEnviro 1.07 http://xenviro.net/index.php#update My system specs: i5-6600K 4.2GHz, 16GB GDDR-4 2133MHz, GTX-960 4 Gb, SSD 850EVO 500Gb Windows 10 v1703 X-Plane 11 v11.05r2 IXEG 733 v1.2 I included the whole x-plane 11 folder into exclusions in my KIS 17 and windows defender as well. Crash_1.zip Crash_2.zip
  3. Open up "Ground services" menu and look for "Open cargo doors". Just click your mouse on the cockpit door.
  4. Yes it's really sadly. But of course you CAN do holds pattern. Just choose a waypoint you like as a holding point, maintain constant speed, set a bank angle. All you need are heading knob and chronometer. And if a holding point is stand for an NDB or a VOR you are a "King of holds" - tune on it and relax. Keep a try, it's really funny.
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