@sundog I don't get exactly your reply. As you can see I am not inside a cloud, but on the ground at the apron. As you can see I have reduced the cloud draw area, it is not maxed out, its less than 50%. Also, I don't find it convenient to go and adjust it all the time during a flight as I risk a CTD and lose my flight.
Also, what do you mean framerates are less important inside a cloud?? If I get 10-15 fps the whole plane stutters, the roll/pitch/yaw, the displays, the mouse, the view panning..its a mess. Even if I am in a cloud I still need to fly the plane at good fps. And again the issue above is on the apron, so taxing and takeoff is also impossible.
For 60 USD I would expect something more realistic, especially when you advertise that the volumetric clouds bring increased performance in your product page.
Looking forward for your reply.