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Everything posted by simnut

  1. I have a new plugin folder going with a Gizmo64, RealWeatherConnector, SilverLIning, XPLM.framework and it's associated files in it. Now, I can't use Vulcan....says my drivers need to be updated. In openGL, I have 21 FPS looking out the cockpit window and 65 FPS looking down into the cockpit, 10,000 draw radius. When I zoom in to just seeing sky, I drop to 14 FPS. Only good thing? My ram usage is 10GB.
  2. I'm in the process of renaming the plugins folder and just using RWC, Gizmo64 and SMP5
  3. Yes. What ever I try to do, the ram usage stays pegged at full. For me anyways.
  4. I tried a reinstall of SMP 5 without modifying texture files....no difference. Disabling XPRealistic gave me about 10 FPS back. But my ram is still chock full. But I still love SMP 4!
  5. Don't get me wrong, I love SMP and RWC, even SMP 4. That one seems to work flawlessly for me, even at 30,000 draw distance.
  6. It's loading up my ram, not Vram. I have 32 G of ram and when I load XP with SMP 5, I only have about 400-500 mg ram left available. Under textures in my XP, it shows I have 900 mg of textures loaded, not even close to my 6g of Vram.
  7. I put it down to 10,000 radius. Something in SMP 5 is plugging my ram full of something lol
  8. Shouldn't SMP 5 work the same as SMP 4 regardless of plugins? For me, SMP 5 plugs my ram full...and I have 32 G's. I haven't changed anything in XPR......something in SMP 5 is loading up my ram.
  9. I don't think so.....why would the ram be full without XPR2 when I only use a third of my ram running XPR2 and SMP 4?
  10. If I disable the XPRealistic plugin, my ram is still plugged full. So I don't think it's with XPRealistic. Something in SMP 5 is jamming my ram full ......different than SMP 4
  11. I'd rather fly with XPRealistic than new clouds
  12. Just using RWC. I have FSGRW but I can't use it..... I just replaced the Silver Lining Folder with the one I saved (SMP 4). Back up to 40+ FPS. Shows I have 21 G of ram available. So something is packing the ram full to the point of making XP unusable.
  13. I went down to 10,000 radius, unselected god ray, unselected cloud shadows, unselected lens flare effects, unselected cloud reflections.....even reduced all cloud image sizes in the directory to 1024. For some reason my 32G of memory has 400mg left...WAY different than with SMP 4. No joy. Right now...with Vulcan enabled, I have 3 fps lol. My X-Plane rendering settings are as follows: Visual effects: High Texture Quality: Medium Antialiasing: 2x SSAA+FXAA Anisotropic Filtering: 16x Number of world objects: High Reflection Detail High Funny thing is, when I put up the settings screen in XP, you can still see the FPS counter of course. With that screen open, I have 57 FPS When I close that window to go back to the sim, I"m down to 3.
  14. This upgrade has driven my computer to it's knees. In Vulcan, I went from 40 + FPS to 4! In OpenGL, I'm down to 22 FPS. I've saved my Silverlining (SMP 4) folder, should work to just put it back into it's original spot right? I am running a i7-9700k, RTX2060 6g, 32 G or ram.
  15. A question Sundog! Because I have to have my cloud coverage settings so low...would it not be a waste to get RWC as SMP won't "draw" the weather at a distance? Would it still be effective in a 1000 sq. km. setup? No worries.....I found the answer in an other thread. RWC would not be real effective in the smaller "cloud cover" distance I use.
  16. Oh, really? I'll have to check 'er out! Now that I have things working nicely.....I can't wait to use SMP properly! I only have problems with the black storm clouds so I will have to only have two configs. One for severe storm and one for "other". Thanks for the heads up! Edited to add: You're right!!!! It's as simple as saving and loading settings!!!! Thank you very much for the heads up!!!! I owe ya!
  17. Ok....did some more playing around with this. Here are my settings for SMP now, that makes this playable in severe weather. This is at KSEA so there is lots of detail on the ground also. http://imgur.com/a/rV3Ee I've come to realize that the biggest hit on my computer is the cloud coverage setting. I have it now set at 2000 sq. km. WHEN flying in this most severe weather. I also have my weather settings in Xplane set to severe to. This means I'm hitting this with the hardest weather possible and will get about 28 FPS. I can live with that!!! Of course, as the weather improves...I can up the settings in SMP also. Would be awesome if a person could select some profiles with in SMP for different weather scenarios....hint hint. One question I have.....does SMP take it's real time weather from X-plane if a person doesn't have RWC? Will SMP work with XPGFS NOAA Weather from Joan PC as real time weather info? I guess that's two questions LOL. So, at this point...I am again stoked to use SMP!!!! Took some playing around with it....reduced some of it's settings but like what it gives me within X-plane without me reducing X-plane settings. I guess a little persistence pays off. I still look forward to any ideas you have Sundog on what I am doing.
  18. Dang it, forgot the SMP settings screen shot!! I had it ready......(slap forehead) Here it is: http://imgur.com/a/OTSuS
  19. Not sure if this will help at all but I'll say it anyways lol I found that when I select ground shadows in X-Plane 11, I get jagged squares like that on all the "in cockpit" shadowing etc. When I deselect it, all those shadow lines are nice and smooth again. Something to try maybe?
  20. This is with no weather...... http://imgur.com/a/MR0eQ This is with SMP and stormy but not looking up at clouds. http://imgur.com/a/Wi12a This is the FPS when looking up at black clouds. http://imgur.com/a/ilPlE I drop about 25 FPS by panning up to look at the storm clouds. This doesn't happen with default weather setup. Here are my graphic settings in X-plane http://imgur.com/a/WOLdb Edited to add: Notice the 2300mb of texture loaded in the screenshot above (SMP loaded). Now look at the one below where I am back to default weather setup with identical weather settings. The texture loading is just over 1900mb. http://imgur.com/a/B8urw Would this lead us to the problem perhaps? Also, see below for my log.txt. I hope this generates some help!!! I would love to continue to use SMP but not if I can only fly in nice weather! Kind of defeats the purpose!! Log.txt
  21. I have uninstalled SMP at the moment. I will reinstall it and provide what you are asking.
  22. Hello all! New to X-Plane (11) and yes, new to Skymaxx (Ver 4). I love what Skymaxx does EXCEPT when I get into the storm clouds. My frame rate dies! I mean I go from 40 FPS to 8 or 9. This doesn't happen with X-plane's default cloud set up and am wondering what I am doing wrong...if anything. I have a support ticket in but have not yet received a response. Anyone have any ideas? I have an I7-4790 @ 3.6GH, 16G ram and an Nvidia geForce GTX950 video card. I run X-plane 11 quite nicely at medium to high settings...just those dang storm clouds in Skymaxx!
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