I plan on building a cockpit shortly. I would like to know what avionic displays people are using in their cockpits for the IXEG 737. I was using the XHSI displays with the EADT X737 and it worked quite well, When I tried using it on the IXEG 737 the route does not show on the navigation display of the XHSI.
How did you get the XHSI navigation Display to show your route. When I enter a route into the FMC the route shows in the IXEG ND but not in the XHSI ND
I am using Dataref Editor. When I load IXEG 737 and view the datarefs I don't see the IXEG 737 datrefs. Only Xplanes datarefs. How can I view the IXEG 737datrefs?
This is what was on my ticket. What else did you want?
I'm trying to install the IXEG 737. It asks for my X-Aviation E Mail
Address. When I enter it and hit NEXT , I get a message "YOU NEED TO
What is that?
Purchased yesterday but can't install. Sent in a ticket yesterday but did not hear back from anyone. The site says will respond within 3 days. Come on, Really? I purchased this yesterday, now I could be waiting possibly 3 days to have on my system?
Does the IXEG 737 come with all the dataref and/or commands to make building a homecockpit worth while? I have theGoflight MCP PRO and EFIS so I don't need any datarefs to make these work. I'm using Polly's Interface tool. I am more interested in datarefs for all the overhead switches and all the Main Instrument Panel (MIP) switches and selectors
I'm new to Xplane. I downloaded 1.7.1 into Xplane 11. Ready to fly from Newark Airport (KEWR). I normally get about 12-15 FPS at this airport When I loaded the CRJ-200 it dropped to 4-5 FPS. Totally crippled my machine. I noticed that installing the CRJ-200 it added a plugin called GIZMO64 What is this? Do I need it? I decided to delete it and my FPS went back up
While in the cockpit I can use the hat Switch on my Yoke to pan up and down. But when I try to pan left and right it only moves one spot at a time. Is it possible to pan left and right in the cockpit?