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Everything posted by Revd

  1. You can almost see the tumble weed blowing in front of you. Does anybody watch these threads?
  2. that is excellent news
  3. My sentiments exactly !
  4. Hi guys Just had a look to see what time it is in the states and it is 4.30 on the 26th according to my iPad. However, when I try to purchase the SR22 it comes up that the module is not yet released. It’s niot a big deal but I just thought I’d let you know. NeilG
  5. I baulked a little at the price of the TBM and put off spending the hard earned for a little while. But now I have it I have to say, it’s beautiful. It is quiet simply the most detailed and best set out GA model I’ve ever come across, including my wonderful A2A models. . The maintenance model of tte engine alone is a work of art.
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