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Everything posted by Sebjo89

  1. Great! Now I am going straight to X-avation and buying it. ______________________ Sebastian Björk
  2. If I buy the IEXG 737 in current state will it be a upgrade price when the version for X-plane 11 is released? ______________________ Sebastian Björk
  3. Yes, and I understand that it is a big step to do the "whole earth" versus a small part of the earth as in IL-2. But, is it the size or the frames which makes it difficult? Could the default XP clouds be transformed maybe, to the extent that is possible, for exempel the dynamic clouds in Arma 3?
  4. Just a thought. I remember playing IL-2 Sturmonivik when it came out a long time ago and it was so amazing at that time.( 2001-2002) So, I just searched videos of the newest versions of IL-2, "Cliffs Of Dover, Battle of Stalingrad" and are seeing that the weather, skycolors and clouds representation are fantastic and very well-made. Very impressed. So, I am curious. Why don´t the newer sims have the same quality, or at least trying to adapt the same engine for weather? (IL-2 Battle of Stalingrad is based on a game engine from 2009 and Cliffs of Dover is based on game engine from 2011>)
  5. Are you referring to this livestream?
  6. Probable the biggest question is, will we ever see PMDG 777 or 737ngx in X-plane 11? And probable a question only PMDG can answer...
  7. One thing that Xenviro does good is the drawing distance. Clouds in far distance looks real and immersive. Just like Active Sky 2016. I hope X-Avation release a version, with good close-up clouds but also clouds in the horizon. Not just sharp clouds png's
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