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  1. Does IXEG typically prioritize aesthetic type updates over systems type patches?
  2. Has anybody here had success doing shared cockpit using smart co-pilot and have the XPUIPC plugin installed? My shared cockpit was working perfectly a few days ago, then I install XPUIPC in order to use the Southwest Virtual Airlines ACARS system. When we try to connect, the connection is successful but our planes appear to be floating above the ground, or sunk into the ground, as well as lots of "jitters" going on. It also caused sync issues such as IRS alignment syncing issues. When I un-installed the XPUIPC plugin and then we tried to re-connect it appears that the jitters and floating/sinking airplane models were gone. Was curious if anyone else had run into this sort of issue before. Seems like we spend more time trouble shooting shared cockpit than actually flying in it! EDIT: We are both using the newest 1.6.0 cfg, and we are using the "with weather" file. I am running the plane real time weather, and my partner is running clear weather. We were under the impression that my weather pushes over to his sim from other things we have read, so he should load with clear skies.
  3. These pictures look phenomenal! I am very excited about this addon. I am new to the whole skymaxx product, quick question. Just so I understand, am I corrrect in my understand that skymaxx just basically provides new textures/rendering for the xplane weather but isn't actually a weather "engine" ? I assume with no other addons it just takes the wind data etc fed to it by xplane and then draws its great looking clouds? i assume the "real weather connector" is the actual engine you can buy to "drive" all of the weather with current wind data, etc?
  4. Fantastic, thanks for all of your work on this Birdy.
  5. Thanks for the response. That is interesting that isn't something modeled currently. I had figured it would have been with the core build. Best, J.T.
  6. We are going to see one of their offerings moved over to Xplane eventually. How soon that will happen is yet to be known. When they started working on the DC6, they specifically mentioned that one of the goals was to create an aircraft to move it over to FSX, and then further down the road they would be moving an FSX plane over to XP. I believe they were essentially going to see which process they considered easier, and then for future releases they would initially develop on the platform they thought was easiest to convert from. I may have missed the mark, but that is how I was interpreting the things they were posting over on their forums.
  7. Good afternoon guys, I recently purchased the IXEG 737, and have to say that it is a fantastic airplane! I have flown on flight simulators for years, with many different payware aircraft, and I have to say this is one of the best! I did my first full flight this morning, and noticed that there is no mileage shown on the navigation display for the next waypoint. I am not sure if this is a bug, or if there is some switch in the airplane that I have not selected in order to show that. To highlight what I mean, I have attached an image of the ND. Forgive the quality since I took this on a phone instead of screen capture. The distance figure I am talking about is the one that should appear in the top left of the display, but it is currently just "- - nm" Any advice on how to get this straightened out? I figured this is most likely just operator error. Thanks for the help!
  8. My twitch partner and I bought the IXEG 737 and did a quick shared cockpit flight yesterday. It is working great guys! Thanks to all of you that have put hard work into getting the cfg worked out. Just to make sure... is the cfg file that is available on the smart co pilot website the most current one? It says to have full support. We didn't notice any issues yesterday, but I figured I would make sure that was the most recent version.
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