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  1. Better finish fmc.
  2. On the photo the door to the cockpit is open and closed. View from the salon. From the cockpit is normal.
  3. Yes, I understand your position. Do non get me wrong, for me, all the beauties do not matter it all. I wanted to seriously study this model (inluding all necessary technical documentation). I very much hope that in the next updates the buet is paid more attention to the FMC functionality and other systems. Undoubtedly, even at this stage the aircraft is very attractive. We are waiting v 1.1.
  4. Undoubtedly! But, if I wanted to do all the hands, I would buy B727 with CIVA. The $ 75 model should be able to do what it is supposed to do. And to use HOLD in FMC or to twist hands is already my choice. It's a pity that the team has priority in the door / window, and not the FMC functionality, without which the 737CL is no longer 737 CL.
  5. This is very good news. As soon release version 1.1? Thanks!!!
  6. Hello. I have constant problems with crash fmc. The most frequent and discouraging: 1. Flight UMMS-UUDD, I select SID, but do not choose to STAR. When approaching the destination airport, i choose in the DEP / APP section 14L and STAR AO14A. FMS crash, the console window will appear, and fms no longer respond to any action. 2. In departure airport I enter the SID and the STAR, but upon arrival the weather changes and it becomes necessary to change the runway and STAR. When i try to change anything and get a crash console window. 3. 3. Crash fmc when choosing transit UUEE. For example, FK1E, FK1T. Aircraft version 1.0.7. P.S. Please, help me with this. none of the flight did not end well. P.P.S. Sorry for my English).
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