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  1. Waiting with my fingers crossed!
  2. Thanks, i'll be sure to check them out when i get the chance
  3. Thanks for the speedy response, all I needed was the tutorial flight to sort out some problems -my regards and best of luck AV
  4. Hello I've recently purchased the Saab 340 and this is my first aircraft which has its LNAV and VNAV based of the Garmin GPS, So you can tell I already ran into some problems. After loading in my route and activating the first leg I take off and at about 500 feet i activate the button labeled NAV and Climb, after which the plane procedues to spiral into the ground. Another thing I've noticed is that the FD indicator is always pointing away form the course I've set on the GPS. any bit of help is appreciated. as far as specs go this is what i run: XP: 10.51 (latest release) Saab 340 1.3 Win 10: GTX 1060, 16gb ram, Intel core i7
  5. So i recently read a Facebook post by Leading Edge sims about the upcoming release of a Saab 340 v2 for XP11. I was wondering if owners of the original Saab will get a discount on the newer XP 11 Saab 340 v2, as I was planning to buy the currently available Saab by christmas, but I don want to jump the gun if a major update is in store. -my regards and best of luck AV
  6. same here, the reason i first considered the IXEG 737 was due to people saying it was very FPS friendly
  7. Hey guys, I've recently come along a small "bug", not sure i can even call it that. Either way the problem is that there seams to be a rather noticeable amount of clipping with the copilots window, although it doesn't seam to happen at night (images are provided). I don't know if this is something to do with my graphics settings or a bug that can be swiftly fixed. I know this has almost no urgency, but i thought i would get this out there to see if others are experiencing the same problem. -my regards and best of luck AV
  8. THIS LOOKS AMAZING I do hope these are just as fps friendly as the rest of the aircraft (my system isn't anything special). I also hope these are released soon as I just love how they look - my regards and best of luck AV
  9. Things are looking good, can't wait for the first major update. Talking about updates, any idea on when i can get my hands on those eyebrows
  10. Thanks for the info guys, Ive been having a bit of an issue not exlusive to this plane, any download from X-aviation always seams to have corrupt .pdf files. Although this is something I'll have to sort with them - my regards and best of luck AV
  11. Hello, after fiddling with the fmc (or fms, not really sure what to call it!) i realized none of my routes work (co routes), i try punching it into the fmc and it says file not found, even if it is with the correct airac, .fms etc... (keep in mind these are saved to the default xp fmc folder). So, should I put them somewhere else or...? Any response which can help would be appreciated - my regards and best of luck AV
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