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About Xflyboy2

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. LOL, all this because of a NAG Screen and a product Logo. Well guess what, I guess I will NOT be purchasing any NEW aircraft that uses Gizmo.
  2. An older version of Gizmo, without the nag screen. Also this makes me look at purchasing ANY aircraft with this in the future, if the aircraft will only function with Gizmo and Ben decides to add more things that some people don't want we are stuck.
  3. Ok, let's close this please. I respect what Ben has done for everyone, I try and support X-plane as best I can. The nag screen and the Logo have ruined my experience with the plane, I have talked to Jack and I'm going to try a work around. Nothing like waiting for a screen to disappear to start a flight, it's just VERY annoying. And the Logo, that's bad taste in my opinion, end of story. So please close this. Thanks!
  4. Cameron, I don't really object to supporting Gizmo, it's that this is not stated anywhere about purchasing this aircraft, also, I would rather have a license included with the price and so as you don't need to purchase anything additional. It's like buying a new car and then being told you need to buy two tires to drive it away. And having a products logo plastered on the screen is in bad taste. (my opinion).
  5. I just purchased the Q400 of Jacks, nice plane, however, I'm being told I need to purchase a Gizmo license for another $10 to get the register screen to stop loading and the Gizmo Logo will not go away either. If developers are going to use this feature please put this in your offering documentation, as I don't wish to purchase a Gizmo license and I don't want to have products logo stuck on my cockpit screen. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, just stating an opinion of a recent purchase, that I don't want now because of this.
  6. Goran_M, Hey Bud you don't have to explain to anyone why this or why that, I feel your pain. I'm self-employeed and all anyone cares about is the final product, not what's involved with it. I don't blame you for getting upset, I know I would too with that type of remark. When it's done it's done, and you have been showing your progress all along, and I for one thank you & Theo & Cameron for it. Also, you get what you pay for... and the best stuff isn't free!
  7. OMG!!!! INCREDIBLE THEO!!! I want it now.... lol!!! Old & New, makes no difference to me.
  8. Great Update!!! Thanks Ben for the map features.
  9. Hi Guys, Love the plane, but I can't seem to get it to work with AirHauler. It's causing X-Plane to crash when I either get the plane started or I'm in the air for 2 minutes. Here's the log files. Thank you for your time. Log.txt crash_log.txt
  10. You are a master with textures Theo! If you guys need any info: http://www.dc3airways.com/ Our VA has THE BEST DC pilots and historians around. ed DCA-2063
  11. My dream plane is finally coming to fruition! Can't wait to do some hauling! Looking fantastic, the money spent on those textures was well worth it!
  12. Being a DC Airways pilot I'm really looking forward to this! Looking good!
  13. Looking better all the time!
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