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  1. human butt kicker
  2. I do know what you mean and i have been using VR since DK2 , this little shaking during takeoff and rollouts, stalls..etc Wont do anything harmful believe me , its already there on the F14 in dcs and it adds a lot to the immersion in VR , id agree with you if the movement is with large displacements
  3. Hello first of all , a big thanks to the team for the amazing VR support, every switch is so natural to manipulate , (based on real life experience) , i have one suggestion though is it possible to make the shaking effects work in VR ? That would be the first ac to be introduce this feature to xp in VR , also i find rolling the ac is a bit sluggish , any recommended settings for the alpha yoke ?!
  4. Thanks thats good news , no rush but if you can kindly take the zibo 737 VR manipulation as a reference , it feels so natural using controllers (based on real life experience on 738 ) i can help with beta testing if you ever needed that
  5. What about VR native support ?!! i know there is simlabs tweak for that but it doesnt feel that good still!
  6. Cool thanks , if u want to send me a test version before release feel free
  7. There are some other issues too , like low clouds Near mountains , and fog appearing in one eye only, its hard to explain, if you tried one flight in bad weather conditions (ie low vis) you’ll see what am referring to
  8. i uninstalled skymaxx since it gave me some issues uninstalling it last time i didnt installed it again , but as i remember i read the manual and applied every setting recommended for VR i was using the zibo737
  9. Sorry for late reply ,am out of town will do that wn am back
  10. The group is VRAVIATORS , you are most welcome to join , and dont worry if they think we are few, MSFS is being responsive and it will support VR,what i dont understand is that (vr support) is mentioned in product list when the developers themselves believe that it shouldnt be since we are few , am sorry but VR users paid same price too no?! dissapointing really
  11. Cool Thats my mail ayousry2011@gmail.com
  12. I can provide all the log files and testing if you need a hand with that, i do have some free time, am on a fb group with almost 2000 people waiting eagerly for a weather plugin that really works in VR , and i can see you are so close thanks
  13. its VR supported , i paid same as you so i expect to hear a better helpful reply.
  14. Lost hope on skymaxx long time ago since it had cloud rotation and other artifacts in VR , thought Today wd give it a try after latest update, and wow what a difference...good job reducing cloud rotation and the very informative manual...sky is gorgeous. although all sort of problems seems to happen when i enter a cloud...i get white flashes in the cockpit (as if the clouds billboards is passing through the cockpit)and some double screen artifacts. is this something that can be fixed for VR? its a shame since everything else is amazing except those too bugs that breaks the deal thanks
  15. My experience was with flyinside , Problems was rotating clouds ,i tried your previous suggestions makes it better but still unflyable in VR 11.20b is now very unstable for me to give you a good review but ill try my best and Keep you updated
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