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Everything posted by Chipwich

  1. Login to your account at X-Aviation and check your order for the download link. I received an email with a link from X-Aviation. BTW, not having the battery issue.
  2. Perfect, thanks.
  3. Is there a way to read it in English? Vielen Dank.
  4. Thanks for the reply @danhenri and @POM. Is that the general X-Plane community view? It's interesting how some publishers, like Carenado, mention turning it off, and others, like Aerobask, do not. I wish that there was more consistency regarding this. It leaves one wondering if a developer designed their aircraft's FD around SA being at the default of 50% or at 0%. In other words, does a developer assume that everyone will know to adjust from the default if it's not mentioned in the docs? And if that's the case, I wish that the default in XP would be 0%. At least in 11.3x we'll be able to assign custom response curves per aircraft. My joystick uses Hall effect sensors so noise is not a problem.
  5. I could not find this in the documentation, so left pitch, roll, and yaw at default settings, 50%. Are these the recommended settings? Thanks.
  6. Before you toggle the lockout, make sure that your throttle is not pulled all the way back. Just to the point where it would hit the stop, then hit the lockout toggle and ease it into the taxi zone. watch the little popup graphic in the lower right hand corner of the screen for assistance. At least that's what I've been doing.
  7. Just adding my thanks for releasing this as freeware. She is a beautiful ship and it is wonderful to sit in front of the PL21. Please keep up the good work Icarus.
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