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  1. Purchased the 737, installed, loaded into X-Plane, activated, then when I tried to load it, X-Plane crashed showing this window: Any ideas where to start debugging? Log.txt
  2. I don't know if this was always an issue as it's been a long time I didn't fly the 733. But today I made a short flight and I noticed the "Fire warn bell cutout" and "Master caution" didn't make any sound when pressed. Everything else seemed to work perfectly. I'm on X-Plane 11.32 final, using IXEG 733 Classic 1.21 on Windows 7 x64. Thanks!
  3. I'm not sure if these comments are done with authentic malice or is it just plain ignorance of the 13 preceeding pages of explaination of the IXEG team. I sincerely hope that for each of these people there are at least ten more like us who understand what's going on here. I admire your patience, IXEG folks. I would've closed the thread long ago.
  4. Silly me. I used the installer this time, and it works! I'll see to what extents but at least she's up with the engines running this time thanks!
  5. Strange. I wasn't working for me on 11.00b6 and it's still not working on 11.00pb1. I get the exterior model with all ground services attached and a static cockpit with the crew models Wonder if you have a different Gizmo version or something it's making it work for you. I just copied the X-Aviation directory over XP11. Maybe there is something else I have to copy. As for @Morten status report, I think it's perfectly reasonable and is the course of action any professional developer should follow according to this circumstances.
  6. Thanks Morten, good to know you guys are active!
  7. Hi! I'm a beta tester of X-Plane 11 and today the restrictions imposed by the NDA were lifted for us so I can now ask this: Is IXEG working on updating the aircraft to work on X-Plane 11? Because on the latest beta 6 it wasn't working.
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