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Everything posted by rlawrence

  1. This is what I'm experiencing when engaging LNAV. It's always about 10-20 degrees off. I can use HDG SEL to fix it. The FMS has 131 course, but the plane never flies the right heading unless I use HDG SEL. I never really thought much of this variation until I was flying into MSP and the APP controller said I was on the wrong heading. My question is this magenta line versus what the plane is flying normal? Richard
  2. I have the UNABLE TO CRZ issue if I make any chances to FMS while in flight. Last night I had it happen because I was doing the HHOOD3 approach into Portland. The first decent waypoint FL240 . The FMS said TOD was where I was suppose to cross at FL240. I started my manual decent and crossed the first waypoint at FL240. I turned back on the VNAV to cross the next waypoint at FL170. The FMS would not only keep the plane level, but the above message was in the FMS. I had to do the whole decent manual via the AP til i did a visual approach 28L at KPDX. The localize and ILS was not picked up very well either. That's probably the scenery and not IXEG GizmoLog.txt
  3. The mic and ATC are set up to come through my headset and everything else through my other my soundcard. I did a flight tonight on FS and Vpilot. It worked fine, but with the EXACT same configuration in used in xpl minus Vpilot, I get a hot mic message from all controllers. I'll try the calibration test with engines running, but isn't the point to make sure there's NO background noise? If all else fails I'll try get my PS4 wireless unit to work with my PC I don't have a build in computer speaker.
  4. Well, I know for sure it's X-plane. I removed my XSB preferences and started again. I did the calibration test and got it well with in an acceptable range. My voice sounded good on playback and no background noise was detected. I logged onto HOU_CTR to prepare for a DAL-LAX flight and heard hot mic right away. So it must be REALLY bad. I don't understand how it can be that bad when I can't hear anything wrong on playback? . I unplugged and plugged my mic back in. I reloaded XSB and asked on the same voice channel. I logged off. I booted up p3d, logged on to ATL_APP , since I fly out of there regularly and asked if my mic was hot. He said no, it sounds just fine. I hate to feel like just wasted $200 + on addons to start the switch to x-plane. It doesn't seem like this will resolve. I really would love to go to X0plane, but need to be able to use XSB. I know I can't be the only one who had this issue. Would a USB headset be a more viable option to use on XSB? Could it be nothing more than my cheap headset on XSB. It's Creative Fatality. I have a usb/ bluetooth headset I use for PS4. I don't think it will work on PC, but if it does maybe it's worth a try? I'm out of answers. I do use two different sound cards. My nice creative and the built in realtek chip set for my headphones/mic. Could the two separate cards play a role?
  5. I hope I'm posting this in the right place. My apologizes if it's not. I looked for a Vatsim specific forum here. After 10+ yrs of using Vatsim on and off, I got booted off the network for mic noise. I've never had any trouble on the other flight sim platform. My mic was turned off on my headset as I soon as I was told my mic was hot.I was trying to troubleshoot the issue and yet there was still noise according to Vatsim. It was a little aggravating to not be able to have appropriate time to respond to the private message. I was booted before I could finish my message. I did some more troubleshooting . I calibrated my mic again and logged back on .I get a message as soon as long on still hot. I got frustrated and logged off. I understand it was probably just as annoying for controllers as me. The point of the post is, what would be considered an appropriate squelch level? What is causing the background noise if my mic is turned off? If I set my levels on the mic low I pass all the test, but I will get mic cold. My playback sounds just fine though! If I turn my mic up a little and add 10% boost then I get all passed, but according to Vatsim my mic is hot. My guess is it has to do with squelch levels? Has anyone else ran into this? I'm nervous to even log back on and keep trying. There's no way to test the calibration unless I login to Vatsim. I could always add a message in my flight plan remarks, but I'm afraid of either losing my account or being suspended if this continues to be a problem.
  6. Sorry, I'm just now responding to this. I didn't get a second screen shot. I didn't want to temp fate and have the sim crash on arrival again I did have the WX Radar on, but I turned it off before I took the screen shot of the above. I figured some fine tuning on the AP would be necessary. I didn't know if this was a bug or not. I forgot the RTE DATA was not going to be included in the initial release. I will take a screen shot of the PFD on appoarch next flight, if it happens. Now that I've got the initial flight finished, I feel more confident the sim won't crash on me. Thanks again for the continued quick support and hot fixes. Richard
  7. The title says it all. I was really happy to finally get one done. I took some notes along the way for things that I noticed could be a bug. Maybe it's user error. 1. I don't know if it's user error, but there seems to be a fuel balance issue. I was running the APU for very little time during preflight. It was no more than 15 minutes. After take off the upper tank display took forever to run off the last 20 gals. I think it was more than 20-30 minutes. I did about 4 cross feeds in my flight to maintain fuel balance. Sometimes it was off by more than 300 gals. 2. My arrival into PHX was PINNG1. The TOD should've been BNNKR @ FL280. However the TOD on the nav display was between the TOD and the next waypoint as the image below shows. The FMS never told me to change MCP setting. I had to do the initial decent manually and then let VNAV back on for a 20NM or so. I flew the rest of the arrival by hand. I felt I had great control and precision. Very little input was needed. This has not been my experience with another popular sim. 3 On arrival the PFD said that I was to the left of the runway and needed to turn right a few degrees. I was actually a little to the RIGHT of the runway and needed to turn left. 4. I had the weather radar on, but it seemed to show the same image over and over again. Is this right? 5. I pressed RTE DATA and nothing happened. Is this a bug or is it not a feature? Maybe I missed both. I've done a lot of reading through the forums and can't remember if passed across this. Richard GizmoLog.txt
  8. I did it the suggestions and the same thing. Now I'm starting to think that maybe there's not a secondary gauge slightly under the first one. It seems like there was though . I'll try it without the steam gauges. That's something I haven't done yet. I keep forgetting about the other set in the mist of my troubleshooting I hope this reinstall cures everything . The immersion is quite amazing. Thanks all the support again.
  9. I deleted my preferences and still the same thing. I'll try doing what you suggested. I hate to waste one of my reinstalls if it doesn't work. It doesn't seem like others are having this many issues. They've at least completed a flight. I'm on Windows 10. It makes me wonder if there's an issue there. I looked in all the logs and there are no errors. That's why I didn't post anything.
  10. I loaded the 1.0.7 hotfix and some of the gauges don't appear as seen below. I rebooted the sim and then some of the displays come back. This is my 5th attempt at flight with no luck because the sim crashed when I tried to alt-tab to post my findings. It was hard crash. I had to reboot my computer. This is obviously getting frustrating now. I have not completed or really even gotten to a TOD without a crash. The Gizmo logs have no errors. and xplane had no errors in it's logs. Any ideas? I know it will get resolve at some point. I'll keep trying. Thanks for the support. Richard Richard
  11. One thing I noticed 1.0.5, if there was any route discontinuity the VNAV wouldn't engage and you would see unable to crz altitude in the FMS. I don't know if that's how to real plane would react . I had made changes while in crusie on the FMS and the VNAV disengage. The AP went into level change, holding altitude . Vnav would engage again one the route problem was fixed. The other thing was the TOD was suppose to be SCOLE @ 28k ( HYDRR1 to kPHX). This showed properly in the FMS and on the Nav display TOD was about 20 miles away . The TOD changed way out to SWOON for some reason. Then I hit pause and as reported in another post the sim crashed, but I think that was X-plane. This posted reminded me of the above issues i meant to report. I'll save the logs next time! I know it doesn't do your team much good for me to say what's going on. Thanks for your continued hard work and being so involved with forums. Richard
  12. I bought it two days ago and updated to the latest. I just tried another flight from KDAL-KPHX and it crashed on TOD. That's three attempts today and one yesterday. So far, no luck in completing a flight yet. I'll have to take a step back until things get cleaned up This is a new product and the response to get everything fixed "NOW" has to be overwhelming for IXEG. I'll be patient. I'm in I.T. and I know how this goes. Hopefully the next patch, I'll be more successful . Thanks again for the replies, Richard Well what is this that i see? but an update to 1.0.6 OK, I guess I'm not stepping away
  13. This is the 4th flight I've tried to complete. I just REALIZED I didn't have debugging turned on before, but I'm pretty sure I did this time. So tell me where the logs are that you need and I'll be happy to send them where ever you need. The flight SFO PHX . I lost the able to click the views the upper panel only during taxi. I rebooted GIzmo and go it back, but then X-plane crashed Finally, I decided to not use X squawkbox. I was able to depart SFO with no issues this time. Somewhere over New Mexico I lost all battery power, engines went down and then X-plane crashed. Yesterday the FMS went bonkers as with my post FMS issue? Since I'm a stubborn I.T. guy, I want to know the issue. I'm going to try a flight from a different location.
  14. Thank you for quick response. It shows dedication to make a great product even better! I see the Gizmo log, but not the other. I don't know if I should attach here or if I should send it on an Email. The Gizmo window did pop-up and the FMS was locked-up, but the sim was still in a usable state. All other function of the plane worked minus the FMS and VNAV. I did select reboot on Gizmo before I closed X-plane. I don't why I thought it would only reboot the crashed script Richard
  15. I had an issue tonight that was interesting enough, I decided to create and account and post. I apologize if this has already been mentioned. I did look through the forums first though. Tonight I did my first Vatsim flight the 733. All was fine,but quite a few things happened that prevented me from finishing. It's newly released plane and these things happen. Flight SFO-PHX Flight plan WESLA1 LOSHN BOILE BLH HYDRR1 FL330 The first strange thing happened was on take off. I hit my PTT button and the landing gear went up. I hit it again and it went down. I looked at the button mapping. Everything was fine . This only happened that one sequence. Maybe this was X-plane acting up. I went for flaps retraction and now nothing happened, but X-plane yoke mapping were fine. I manual moved the flaps. Decent is where things got really interesting! I contacted ABQ center and was told to expect 7R instead of 26 to PHX. I also could jump a few waypoints ahead since there was no traffic and no ATC to PHX. I push nav point HYDDR and then L1 to put it up top. Nothing happened.I tried another way point and it looped me back as if the waypoint was behind me, but it wasn't it. This way point was one before HYDDR and it was about 20NM away. I tried it again to get this mess cleared up and nothing happened. . My VNAV and suddenly didn't work and I couldn't switch it back on. I did a manual decent and continued. I went to switch my approach from 26 to 7R and then the Gizmo Box comes up. All I could do was close X-plane because this box kept coming up every time I hit 7R. I've completed a flight with no issues, but I was not making changes in flight. Maybe this is an isolated incident. I thought I should post it though. I looked through the logs and nothing indicates a problem. I'll try again tomorrow and report if needed. Any ideas? Thanks for a wonderful product. I'm sure there's more great additions to come on the 733. Richard PS: Are you planning on adding the classic AP to go with the steam gauge set-up? Sorry if it's in a list and I missed it. I haven't read to many threads
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