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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Well, I'm going to have to pass on the CRJ for now; too pricey for me, unfortunately But hey, if it ever goes on sale...
  2. Sweet, I hope you guys decide to implement new engine sounds. If not now, you can always post them later - after the release. Honestly, the default jet sounds in X-Plane are pathetic. It sounds like you're flying a vacuum cleaner instead of an airliner.
  3. I have a question that might seem trivial to some, but is important to me. Plus, I don't think its been addressed yet. Will this aircraft have realistic sounds? When you push the throttle to takeoff thrust, is it going to sound like an actual CRJ-200 spool up? I think highly accurate engine sounds is something that has been lacking in X-Plane. Anyway, depending upon the final price of this and the Saab, I may have to make an (impossible?) purchase choice between the two. Awesome work, Javier. Enjoy your vacation!
  4. Actually, that is a brilliant idea. Keep projects under wraps until a week or so before release, and BAM, awesome plane out of nowhere. Man, I wonder if there are some devs doing that now… it would be crazy to log on to some X-Plane sites one day and find a plethora of newly released top notch payware. Hey, I can dream. And ok, I'm not the most patient guy in the world, everyone has faults ;D
  5. So… Are you guys still hoping for a March release?? I have to admit, it's a little frustrating watching this project continually delayed. First it was close to release in January, then February, now March.. However, I also know (or hope! hehe) that you guys aren't simply messing around with us, but are continuing to perfect this beautiful bird. Actually, I should just be happy that anyone is devoting time to a top notch saab at all; waiting is better than having nothing at all! Still, I hope it's released soon. Though I don't plan on purchasing immediately, I'd love to read the early-adopters reactions and hopefully see some videos of it in action.
  6. *wolf-whistle* ;D Regional turboprops are about to ascend to the top of the x-plane world.
  7. Matt

    Project 3

    hot stuff! ;D
  8. It's too bad Goran wont be around for the launch, as he'll be dead
  9. Matt

    Project 3

    My prayers go out to you and your country during this difficult time, Theo.
  10. Matt

    Project 3

    I surely hope this is on schedule, Goran. Getting mowed down by a train and then having your mangled corpse thrown into an active volcano is no way to go. ;D 6 days...
  11. Matt

    Project 3

    Cool beans! Actually seeing it in action will be a gift on its own It would be great if we could hear that "sexy turbine start up sound" (as someone said; can't remember who) as well ;D
  12. Matt

    Project 3

    Is there any chance you guys can throw us a bone… such as a showcase video? It would be nice to see this bird in action, plus it would 'wow' everyone and amp up anticipation even more. I suppose this is the most agonizing part of waiting, when the release is so close, yet seems so far. Oh, and one more thing... The volcano looms…
  13. Matt

    Project 3

    The drumroll is killing me!
  14. I'm salivating as I anticipate this release. The SF340 is my favorite turboprop, and it's heartening to see developers dedicated to delivering a top notch version of it. Add this to the list of thank-you's given by everyone. Will be checking here frequently for its imminent (hopefully) release. Has a price been set for this bird? Just curious. Good work!
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