I updated to 10.50 rc3 beta and the first time I loaded X-plane I (started on the runway 8R of London Gatwick), I had about 27FPS and after taking off it continued with satisfactory FPS (over 25) but I experienced micro stutters again! I exited and loaded X-plane a second time directly after my first attempt. Strangely enough I then only had about max 5 FPS. I immediately exited and loaded X-plane again for the third time and this time enjoyed about 40 FPS which only sunk to about 35 after take off and there were no micro stutters (every 2 to 3 secs).Only now and again for 1 sec or less when weather loads. These results show (at least in my opinion) that I hardly think the IXEG 737-300 is to blame for the micro stutters. What puzzles me are the different results of FPS after each loading and that only after the third loading, things seemed to be fine. Anyone know?
Btw, my system is a i7 2700K, 660 ti GPU and 16 GB Ram, so it's not the latest and best hardware for X-plane but good enough for my needs, at least for the time being..