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Everything posted by lanmancz

  1. Same here. "Only" 24 hours in but still got no reset. I don't understand why even limit the downloads, it's 2016 - everything is online nowdays. Especially an installer that is basically just a downloader anyway (the 1.2 installer is 25MB). Would it please be possible to share the 1.3 installer somewhere (as you still need xaviation account to install so it shouldnt be a problem, its just an installer) ? Google drive, I don't care but this is silly. I cannot use the product I purchased because the current installer is unable to install it anymore (even an older 1.2 version, it just outputs a whole bunch of errors as the 1.2 resources are probably no longer available for the download).
  2. I have RWC. I wonder on what the cloud color is dependent. I was flying today and they looked better in some flights but in others they were quite dark again. Unfortunately the recommended RTH seems to have no effect on the SMP clouds. I cranked up the whitening to 300% and reloaded the cloud cover but they remained the same so I got rid of it as I have some fps drops with RTH. Also I was flying today before sunset and encountered these : What are those ^^ ? They seemed a bit odd. That is without RTH btw.
  3. It's alright, this how they normally fly in Australia Sorry, I couldnt resist...I'll show myself out
  4. Yeah I have MaxxFX too, I will give it a shot. Although MaxxFX does not work only on clouds as far I remember, it only does some post processing on the final image no ?
  5. Oh that looks very nice! I didn't realise RTH works with SkyMaxx. So this is the RTH cloud whitening option cranked up, right ? I must try that
  6. Alright. It's not really a complaint, just a suggestion for improvement
  7. Oh, and is something like that (better cloud colors) possibly planned for the future ?
  8. Alright, also one more question please. Is there a way to make the clouds look more white ? I mean during the day this time No matter what I do they are always this grey-ish color. Even during mid-day when the sun is shining and there are few scattered clouds here and there they always look very dark and grey.
  9. AFAIK that is already fixed. It was completely my mistake.
  10. Hello, edit: Ah crap. I just tried to switch the AP button to right side and that did the trick! Sorry, nothing to see here I don't know why I thought it's done via the FD switches Yeah switching with the AP buttons makes total sense. and the original drivel here : so I was trying a manual non-precision approach today at LICC. I was arriving via LIBRO1L STAR into VOR Z 26. The FMC made a huge mess out of it with waypoints going back and forward and looping so I decided to forget the FMC and do it manually, how hard can it be, right ? Anyway so I setup my fixes, radials and navaids as I needed them for the arrival and all went well until I wanted to switch from captains VOR to first officers side. So I turned off the FD on the captains side but the master mode kept being lit. No matter what I did I was unable to switch the master mode. After few instances of "have you tried to turn it off and on again" it even spit out a gizmo crash (which I unfortunately don't have but it seems the autopilot was quite confused). Anyway so I just made a quick spin around me hometown here to try to replicate it (no gizmo crash this time) but I am still unable to switch the master mode : I tried to do a simple figure 8 around my airport. Takeoff on RWY 27, fly out a bit, intercept radial 139 from VOR beacon at the airport, fly back and over the airport and then loop back the other way and intercept the RWY 27 localizer at 274 deg. Anyway this involved switching from left to right side which does not seem to work. Or am I doing something wrong ?
  11. Hi, so I installed SMPv3 today after a while and I noticed this happening : The effect is just temporary, the color gets correct after few seconds.
  12. Aha, okay. Well I ended up skipping that waypoint and going to the next which worked fine. Of course I asked the ATC (that would be me) for permission first
  13. A couple more shots from my today's flights
  14. Hello, another one of these into your collection Flying route "LKGR NIKR2G NIKRO UM127 TRN UL604 GAC T229 KEB UP10 VIBOP P10 ADULA ADUL2E LDOS". The ADULA2E has this very sharp angle displayed. Using up-to-date Navigraph (1607 rev2).
  15. There is a discussion about the supported distances (and reasons why it's not unlimited) here in this thread : TL;DR - The destination range is currently limited to 2000nm due to performance and also realism reasons (as airlines only carry databases of their area of operations and not the entire world in their FMC anyway) but they will look at it in the future and see if this can be reasonably extended.
  16. Hello, can one of you folks please confirm here when this rapid hotfix is released ? I'm waiting with the upgrade to 1.0.6 for now until this is resolved. Thanks.
  17. Set it to "Adaptive (half refresh rate)" in the NV panel. I have that option there. If you do not perhaps you have old drivers ? Or you can try locking it in Nvidia Inspector.
  18. Hm, that unfortunately didn't help in my case. As others say the effect is more pronounced with more overall FPS. I measured this on less populated airport with clear weather and I was running at 48 FPS but dropping to ~34. When I was running on lower FPS (see my post above with the previous measurement) the drops were just about -5 which was not very noticeable but with higher overall FPS the drop is -15. edit: Locking to 1/2 refresh rate & setting prerendered frames to 4 mostly eliminates the issue. That seems to be the workaround. I've noticed that these drops seems to fall to about 34-35 FPS for everyone. Well at least for me and letec according to what he described before. So locking FPS to 30 eliminates the drops. It seems to me that there is some periodic function that is unable to run more than ~35 FPS which is the source of these drops. Limiting to 30 makes the FPS smooth because that is apparently within the ~35 FPS limit of that bottleneck. The downside is that you lose the overall smoothness of higher FPS altogether in order to eliminate these perceived drops. PS: My FPS in the second image is actually locked to 25 as I have a secondary screen a big 50 Hz TV but it's the same result as when letec locked his FPS to 30.
  19. I would recommend turning off those water reflections completely. They help quite a lot with FPS and don't add that much to the overall image quality in my opinion.
  20. Hello, some nice screenshots from my weekend flights
  21. The cabin is not yet modeled. It is however planed for future update.
  22. Hello, well this is a bit silly but I just bought PFPX for my flight planning recently and just for fun I'd like to add the operating costs into the flight planner. Not being a pilot or having any insight into how airlines operate though the only thing I managed to figure out is the current fuel cost which is ~$1.3/US gallon. Do you guys have perhaps some idea about some semi-realistic values for the rest of it for the 737-300 ? http://www.indexmundi.com/commodities/?commodity=jet-fuel
  23. Hello, I bought the IXEG 737 on day one when it released and I have to say that since that day it is BY FAR my most favorite aircraft to fly! Since then I tried to fly other aircraft from time to time but I very quickly come back to the 737! Despite it's few quirks here and there it is absolutely stunning! I just wanted to take a moment (during my cruise here, lol) to thank the whole IXEG team for this wonderful aircraft which I think I did not do yet - thanks guys!♥
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