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  1. Hey guys, I finally found the solution for me - thank you for your help. I am using this one now: [Fuel Flow R] new_command=Fuel Flow R dataref=x737/cockpit/tq/rightCutoffLeverPos description=Fuel Flow R on_value=1 off_value=0 type=float repeat=TRUE Seems you have to tell xjoymap specially if you are handling a float value :-))). Thank you so much! And just to show you what you are all helping with: Tobi
  2. That is the one I want to connect...: It is as 2 state switch with 2 poles (Hella pull switch)
  3. Hey guys, after some fiddling I'm back in with this issue: I installed 2 Pull levers (2 poles - 1 hardware switch command in XPLANE). Now I need to manipulate a float value with xjoymap. I can set the ON position (when the switch is pressed and creating a positive edge trigger signal). But when I push it back in - no movement. Can you tell me how to create a "negative flank" on release? This one does not work: [Fuel Flow R] new_command=Fuel Flow R dataref=x737/cockpit/tq/rightCutoffLeverPos description=Fuel Flow R increment=1 increment *-1=-1 type=float repeat=TRUE On value is 1 - Off value is 0. Thank you! Tobi
  4. xjoymap.ini Now I get it! You are absolutely right. The right file attached....
  5. PS: All the ususal command are already included in my file (just scroll down all the way to the buttons paragraph ;-)
  6. Hey Torbjørn, I will start on the x737 after I finisehd this plane as the 3D cockpit version will only be released end of this month. " It seems that the file you attached only draws callback from the debug, " can you explain in detail what you mean by that ;-)? Sorry but I dont get it. Tobi
  7. Just saw that the screenshots went missing - here you go:
  8. Dear community, as the mapping of switches works nicely with this plane I want to tackle the next issue I need you help with: As I learned, the X-Plane Plugin Phidget64Sender, which reads the datarefs and lets you define reactions via LED annunciators via the Phidget64 LED board stops the avionic systems from starting up. If anyone can point me into the right direction to solve this I will be more than happy! Attached the log file! Thank you! Tobi GizmoLog.txt
  9. Hi Guys, first of all thanks to the team for sharing all those custom commands with us - a pleasure for us cockpit builders. @ Torbjørn: I figured that the plugin xjoymap works fine with this plane. You will have to install the Python Script plugin to get it working - but no worries, it is very straight forward. Attached you find my config file with the full light panel, the Power source panel and the Fuel panel as well as the engine starter panel working for me (perhaps not 100% mapping the Hotas positions but a starter) I will continue working on the mapping - but basically you can place all those custom commands in the config file. As soon as you did this, you can map those commands which are now know to the sim to the switches in this context menue: The now globally known commands are then placed here: Please let me know if that helps! :-) Tobi PythonInterface.ini
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