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Thank you I honestly didn't notice that! Regards Kyrre Andersen
Hi guys, Can you take a look at this screenshot? It's from EGPB with ActiveSky XP running (QNH 1033). I also try to revert to the default CAVOK XP default (without Activesky XP running of course). The standby altimeter is completely off, showing 39000 feet approximately, at sea level. Kind regards Kyrre Andersen
That would be great if you could implement Regards Kyrre Andersen
Hi Goran, I am trying to find tbm900/controls/engine/emerg_power. But I can only find "engine" under "actuators". And there it is only "friction lock". See attached screenshot. Maybe I am just looking in the wrong place.. could you help me by pointing me in the right direction? I'm using version 1.13 Kind regards Kyrre Andersen
Hi everyone, Is there a way to assign an axis to the red manual override lever? When practising engine failures it's very fiddly to work with this lever just using the mouse.. Regards Kyrre Andersen
Hi everyone, It seems that X-plane default failures was enabled, even though nothing was really set as "Failed". Disabling XP default failures and just press "fix all" seemed to solve the issue with the prop having a hard time unfeathering. Kyrre A
Hello, I am using version 1.13 for the moment. Yesterday, I did a short flight with a brand new airframe and all components in an excellent shape (looking at the maintenance manager). Today, I left it on ground power for a while to familiarize myself with some systems and procedures. So, after a while I decided to try and start up to do a short flight. I had a normal start, and then I disconnected the GPU and put the generator to MAIN. But, when I put the power lever into flight idle, the propeller should unfeather and stabilize well above the yellow band. But in this case, the propeller would not accelerate beyond the yellow RPM, even with the power lever placed in flight idle. I tried a couple of times to feather (HI IDLE and LO IDLE) it, and then unfeather it again. So, I shut down and check the maintenance manager. Every component ok. Never seen this behaviour before. Any clues? Regards Kyrre Andersen
Hello, Are there any plans to implement fire detection and/or extinguishing simulation in the TBM? Regards Kyrre Andersen
Hello, Is the fire detection system simulated in the HS TBM? Or the fire test button? I can't seem to find it in the cockpit.. Br. Kyrre Andersen
Hi, I can confirm that I don't have any external avionics hardware. I only use a CH yoke, CH TQ and Saitek rudder pedals. Anyway, after re-starting x-plane the screens went back to normal. Regards, Kyrre Andersen
Hello, After buying the hotstart TBM and doing some flights, the PFD and MFD went crazy, I lost most of my indications as you can see on the screenshot. I managed to land visually and after shutting down completely I checked the maintenance manager - everything under avionics was "like new". Could this be a bug or something? And, I also tried to power up again, but the condition persisted. Regards Kyrre Andersen Log.txt
But be aware that when selecting "737-300" from the menu, the software assumes 22K of thrust. The IXEG 737 models the one with 20K engines. So in TOPER, I select the 737-500, because the 500 in TOPER is based on the 20K engines. Even though not entirely correct, performancewise in the sim, I would say it makes little difference to choose another airframe. On the other hand, try to enter an airport with a fairly short runway (around 2000 meters or so), and TOPER will warn you if you try to enter near or at maximum takeoff weight (approx 63.2 tonnes for the 300). I also tried reducing the weight a little bit (still close to structural MTOW), and TOPER suggested around 33 degrees C assumed temperature. I did one test at ENHD (Haugesund airport, on the coast of southwestern Norway). The runway is approx 2000 meters, I topped the plane with payload and fuel so that the takeoff weight was around 58 tonnes, which was the highest weight TOPER allowed me to have with an assumed temperature of 33 degrees. I cannot remember the wind, but the OAT was around 20 degrees I believe. Flaps was 5 degrees (TOPER does not provide calculations for flaps 1 takeoffs). I then used X-plane's default failure system to initate engine failure just prior to V1. When the engine failed, I immediately retarded the thrust levers to idle. The autobrake kicked in with RTO and slowed me down to a stop just a tad before the runway end, but still with some meters to spare. Note that I did not use ANY reverse thrust at all, and no speedbrakes either (to put extra weight on the main wheels). Still, it worked out fine. I would say, that if TOPER was giving me the wrong data, I would probably have made my way into the geography beyond the runway. I'm also pretty sure that the accelerate-stop-distance (that is, the distance the plane would use to accelerate to V1, experience an engine failure, and then come to a complete stop), is purely based on brakes only, and not taking thrust reverse into account. I also did the experiment on other shorter runways, and coming to a stop after an engine failure near V1 was perfectly manageable using RTO on autobrakes only. I encourage you to experiment a little bit with this. And don't choose the longest runways, because here, the structural takeoff weight will always be limiting, no matter what. One limitation I can see with TOPER so far, is that it always wants to calculate the highest possible assumed temperature for any given runway, wind, OAT, pressure and weight. For instance, the program might warn me if I want to takeoff from a 2000 meter runway with 61 tonnes weight using an assumed temperature of 30 degrees C or more. But, taking of with full thrust from the same runway might work fine. At least, that's my opinion so far. There are a number of factors that determine the maximum allowable assumed temperature, as well as the maximum allowable takeoff weight for that assumed temperature. One good place to read about assumed temperature is the B737 Techincal Site (maintained by Captain Chris Brady of Easyjet). http://www.b737.org.uk/assumedtemp.htm Also, the difference between assumed temperature and de-rates are also well explained. Happy landings Br. Kyrre Andersen
That's great Jan Thanks! Br. Kyrre
Hello, But shouldn't the thrust display readout show something like (D-TO) if a derate is selected (like shown here) ? I have noted that when using an assumed temperature during takeoff, the display on the engine instruments stay at R-CLB all the way up to crz level. I thought that the thrust mode display would switch to CLB when passing 15000 feet or so. Br. Kyrre Andersen
Hello, There seems to be a bug in the terrain display. When choosing normal map mode (expanded map), the terrain seems to draw fine. However, when selecting the MAP CTR mode, the minimum and maximum elevation figures are displaced out of view. Location was ENGM (lined up on RWY 01L) Please see screenshots. Also a question: On the screenshot with expanded mode, the lowest elevation figure reads 006. I assume this means the lowest elevation within the selected map range is 600 feet. Is this correct? Br. Kyrre Andersen