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Everything posted by Redglyph

  1. That's probably a silly question then, but I'll ask it anyway. If you have to land with a fair amount of crosswind, you have to approach crab-like to keep centered on the runway, but just before touching down you have to align the plane to avoid damaging the wheel gear or at least wearing the tyres. If the control makes also turn the nose wheel because it's a combination of rudder pedal / tiller, won't that be bad for this front wheel to contact the ground at an angle? My previous comment came from that line of thought, and separating the control in that case could be advantageous. What am I missing? (obviously I'm not proficient yet with the 737, the answer is probably in the FCOM)
  2. I'll try. But that could actually be desirable to keep that button for cross-wind landings.
  3. Thanks for your replies! That's strange, I do have a button assigned to wheel steering toggle on/off (probably the default for this joystick?). The first time I ran the IXEG 737 I didn't have to use it, now it seems that I have to toggle it before taxiing. I suppose it's as good a work-around as any.
  4. I have the same problem. Hydraulics are on, were not depressurized. It worked the first time, but not anymore, I see the rudder pedals moving normally but the nosewheel is not effective. IXEG v1.2, XPlane v11.05r2 (build 110501 64-bit) I've also noticed the tiller had a tendency to twitch all the time when parked on the ground, my pedal calibration is fine though. The first time, when I could use it to steer, it wasn't twitching during the taxi.
  5. I'm also experiencing CTD issues in flights from KSAN to KLAX with FF767-300ER. No information in the log, it's not flushed and probably misses the latest entries. No file in Output/crash_reports either. Using X-Plane 10.45r2 on Win7 x64. The only add-ons is X-Camera, I'm not using SMP. With 16 GB of memory, I seriously doubt it's a memory issue, but to be honest I haven't monitored X-Plane's memory usage. The virtual memory could go up to 32 GB with my current settings, if it were a memory issue I would have noticed the disk starting to go mad. I proceeded to a few tests, always with the same flight plan: - same flight with a default aircraft ("P180 Avanti Ferrari Team" "Cirrus TheJet"), no weather, but keeping sceneries => CTD - same flight without any scenery, FF767 => no CTD - re-introduced "KSAN - San Diego International 1.01" by MisterX6 alone + dependencies => CTD (with FF767 and default aircraft) - used another KSAN (by jkotva22) => no CTD with FF767 - used "KSAN San Diego International Airport 1.02" by ThePrivateer => CTD Depending on the scenery, the crash always occur in the same area, for example with MisterX6's, and KSAN-LNSAY.SLI-KLAX, it's around the Bayer waypoint. So I don't know whether it's the complexity of the origin airport + destination area (Los Angeles causes frequent stuttering and freezes becausee either X-Plane is unable to manage a smooth loading of the scenery items, or the autogen, or yet another issue, I have no idea), or a dependency like OpenSceneryX, or another bug in X-Plane triggered by something common in both airports. This should really be done in a debugger environment as I believe we don't have the tools to get further information on those crashes.
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