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  1. Just have a look there and you'll get the answer https://youtu.be/dZmh6GOLNmM
  2. Sorry no cup in mine, or was it a joke. Maybe I was not kind enough to the cabin crew
  3. I have used the Ixeg 737 since the first day to my total satisfaction and without any single problem. This Morning I installed a Thrustmaster MFD quadrant and all went wrong. Among others I lost LNav functionality as well as Heading preset on the MCP. To make a long story short I'm afraid this piece of hardware is not compatible with our 737 and must be avoided. In fact this is nothing but my personal experience. If somebody uses a MCP with no problem I'd like to hear from him. I have made a 70 € investment for it and I wish I could use it.
  4. Tanks so much. Please keep on going.
  5. I have had all my planes (ixeg737 included) on a separate disk with symbolic links as well as sceneries since the beginning and everything works fine. Never had any problem. The idea being to separate the main X-Plane soft which is on a ssd from the big and heavyweight folders that are on a separate hdd. No problem ever as far as I know
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