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Everything posted by 777

  1. EIDW -> EGCC I had begun decent into manchester from Dublin. had passed TOD and had already begun to descend from FL22 I was changing various pages on the captains fmc & then pressed the des button on the first officers fmc and got this crash. SID LIFFY5A STAR MIRSI1B for runway 23R thanks. GizmoLog.txt
  2. that florescent lamp underneath the mcp gets me every time, i think it even flickers on slightly differently every time you turn it on and off. it's the little details. and the engine sounds are the best i've ever heard in a sim.
  3. cool thanks. i'll manually edit the ixeg737airac.txt file if i have to! i hate paying for the same thing twice.
  4. ok. thanks. guess i'll wait for them to support it.
  5. Hi guys, I have a navigraph subscription to both airac & charts. Will I be able to update the airac in the 737 classic or do I have to purchase from aerosoft to do the update in this plane? Thanks.
  6. Hi Frank, thanks for your reply. i look forward to your future updates. x-plane is a great simulator but it also has its limitations and I can sympathize with add on developers like yourself when you're constrained by the limits of the sim itself. I appreciate your work, skymaxx is looking better than ever, the new landing light effects through the clouds are captivating and really add to the feeling of depth passing through the clouds. Regards Steve.
  7. Hi, Just did another test flight between edinburg & glasgow. Another issue I've found is that visibility will instantly increase/decrease at a certain point, no smooth transition like I'd have expected. Thanks
  8. Hi, I will make sure to send a log when I see the overcast sky disappear or suddenly appear again. In the mean time, here's another log from a few moments ago. Flying from Dublin to Shannon I don't know if it's a related problem. all the clouds suddenly disappear and then re materialize. It happened once or twice on the way and then twice close to shannon just before I closed xplane. It happened twice in quick succession. all a bit strange... Thanks. Log.txt
  9. Hi, I was flying around KSNA yesterday and the clear blue sky turned to overcast instantly, i flew back where i came from and it changed back instantly to a clear sky. Is that still a limitation? I was under the impression that things popping in and out instantly was a thing of the past with RWC. Thanks.
  10. here's nice 737-300 video. i learned a lot from it. looking forward even more to ixeg's creation.
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