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Everything posted by kanary

  1. Thanks for the update. I posted the "where for art thou" post at the weekend. I didnt do it to provoke anyone into moaning i was just generally curious. I get your point you will never be bug free or it will take an age to get there but when you release a software product there has to be a ground on which some bugs can be shippable. I find it being like falling down the rabbit hole and sometimes all your doing is bug fixing. Everything more or less has a knock on effect for software and it is a complete bitch at times. But i get what you mean having this forum here helps potential customers to start reading more and interacting as a community but it must be a good pat on the back and motivator reading all the good things people have to say and they havent even bought it yet. Cant wait for the release can you do it at a weekend please so i can use it without losing jobs lol
  2. Well yeah in context that makes sense. It will be marvellous when released. Just thought it would be cool for the people going to be paying could be slightly in the loop lol thanks for answering
  3. Hey I know you get asked this all the time. But we are the customers lol. When do you think you will be releasing this? im not trying to be rude by asking. I just find it weird to declare a close to release announcement when that was almost two months ago. I get it I really do. I have been a contracting software engineer for about 15 years and I know deadlines are fluid I get that in fact I would be your number one defender about "things cropping up" I have literally stopped using X-plane since the release is getting close announcement I am on eager tenterhooks
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