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Everything posted by gsuri

  1. Hi I spoke too soon! 20 mins from final approach, AP disconnected, the aircraft went into a dive, the PFD disagreed with real attitude, there was a warning EFIS MISCOMP, and then I lost the navigation flight plan, and all. Please see the attached image.
  2. Hi Goran I have managed to sort out the issue. I deleted CL650 Output and Cache. Removed all traces of CL650 from the X-plane folder. Ran the Uninstaller app from the X-Aviation directory. I then re-installed the CL650. I am presently on a 50 min flight and it seems to be flying well. AP keeps disconnecting periodically. No warnings on MFD. There is some AP issue with this release, as others have also reported. I think the multiple installations in quick succession, 1.01r, 1.2.2, 1.2.3 (several times) messed up something. I will get back to you if I have any other problems. Thanks a lot for your help and support. regards Gautam
  3. Because it kept tripping
  4. I have all your models and have never had any issues like this. today afternoon I also heard wierd sounds on APU start up.
  5. No. I have been thru full cold and dark start up procedure. the autopilot disconnects and the aircraft wants to bank hard right, the starts climbing at an unrealistic rate or goes into a dive. I am struggling to bring it into level flight. Even when I have it level, the PFD shows it in a bank attitude. I am a simmer with 10 years of exp. why would I want to start in the air? I have just reinstalled it on a clean plane install and will let you have my feedback in a while.
  6. Hi The strange issue is that it was working great with 1.01r. I did several flights. The problem only started with the 1.2.3 update. I have reinstalled it three times and the issue persists. I will try it without any plugins and will also try deleting the output folder as advised. Another request Please allow use of older versions. I have all versions of the TBM and they all work Thanks
  7. Hi Here are some some screen shots from my cockpit. I have posted this issue in Technical Support too.
  8. I don’t understand why we can’t use older versions? Never seen this before. i have all versions of the tbm and they work
  9. I am having similar issues. See my post
  10. I was enjoying the CL 650. After the 1.2.2/1.2.3 update, the aircraft is un-flyable on my Mac. I have opened a support ticket too. The plane cannot follow LNAV/heading or maintain any vertical mode. Th AP keeps disconnecting and the aircraft goes into a sharp right bank. The EFIS is totally our of sync with reality. I am attaching some images and my CL650_log.txt and X-plane log.txt. I can share videos to show the weird behaviour. I had zero issues before this update. I am on MacOS Monterey with M1 chip. Can I downgrade to V 1.01r? Thanks Archive.zip
  11. Realised that. I am on a Mac too thanks
  12. I have downloaded once this morning 9 hours ago, and once 30 mins ago. I still get the same message.
  13. Thank you! I will try it out tomorrow.
  14. Hi Thanks File attached user_fix.dat
  15. I just bought this plane Cannot fly it as I get a CTD on opening the aircraft. <y log.txt is attached Thanks
  16. I just bought this plane Cannot fly it as I get a CTD on opening the aircraft. <y log.txt is attached Thanks Log.txt Solved. Thanks Torquesim!
  17. Another CTD on descent today after a 1 hr flight log.txt attached thanks Log.txt
  18. @skiselkov Can you please take a look at this? Happening with many users. Cannot compete a flight till date. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Another crash on approach to EGLF with v 1.0.5. Similar to the one with 1.0.4 Last line in log.txt is same as the previous time 2018-10-24 20:08:37 TBM900[except.c:282]: Something reinstalled our exception handler, replaced it with 0000000000000000 Log.txt
  20. Experienced a crash on approach to KLGA after a 40 min flight. v 1.0.3 log.txt attached. Thnxs Log.txt
  21. Same issue here. CTD immediately on selecting the TBM. It won’t even load. Have sent support ticket too Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Will replacing the new gizmo plugin with the old one help? I have a backup
  23. V 1.4.1 I confirm the same error when manipulating course 2 with mouse Also course 1 pop up indication does not show. After the gizmo crash mouse wheel manipulator does not work. Win 10 X-Plane 10.51 Another issue I noticed is that course 1 knob does not move with or without mouse wheel on a Mac. X-Plane 10.51 el-capitan Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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