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  1. Hi. Just a small one again. I am not able to put the yellow thing to the first checklist item after I grabbed it.
  2. Just want to point out that the FOs course selector can show 000 vs. Cpts course selector jumps from 360 - 001. I'm sorry if that's a double report. Thanks & always happy landings
  3. Does anyone else also get pretty high engine oil temperatures during climb and cruise? Xp 11.11, IXEG 1.21
  4. Any news on that one now?
  5. Still a thing in 1.21
  6. With available ground power, (gpu not switched on and battery off) you can turn on the wing lights.
  7. In XP11 it looks like there is some glass missing on the slip indicator.
  8. Same here... in XP11 it looks a bit like LCDs
  9. @Litjan I know that this is a tiny thing. But still, I wanted to tell you. I noticed also that the nose gear taxi light is still working with a generator bus 1 failure. According to my manuals, the nose gear taxi light is connected to generator no. 1 so it shouldn't work. Correct?
  10. Hi, As far as I know, you should extend the gear manually only with the gear lever in OFF position. And that works fine. (Of course everything without SYSTEM A pressure) I played a little bit around and if you extend the gear manually while the lever is in DOWN position the gear will not extend but the sound will play. If you then select GEAR UP the gear will drop down. I am not quite sure but it seems a bit strange to me: If you don't understand pls watch the video below! I hope it's not a double report. But keep it up guys, your plane is amazing!
  11. @Litjan Any news so far?
  12. The plane flies route but FMC does not update. The issue was solved after I gave a direct to the next waypoint Route: EDDF 25C TOBA6G TOBAK N858 SWALM T201 ROBEL T200 RUDAK RUDA5V ILS26L EDDT Log.txt IXEG_FMS_debug.txt
  13. Its the Windshear escape maneuver. As you can see: "Do not change flap or gear config until windshear is no longer a factor"
  14. Just to make it clear ...
  15. In some flight operation manuals it says: the fire warning lights do not illuminate during the panel light test (Not fire/overheat test). In the IXEG they do. Does it vary between different types of classics? (sorry if it is a double report)
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