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  1. YES! Great work. Thanks a lot!
  2. Thanks, that's exactly what I was going to answer him. Good to see that I'm not the only one that wants something else than wingflex.
  3. You gotta be kidding. I'd prefer no external modelling at all for a flawless FMS.
  4. Great, thanks a lot.
  5. Hello IXEG team. The xEnviro developer announced on his Facebook they'll be releasing really soon a Weather SDK for aircraft developers to integrate it on their aircraft. He said he was already talking to JARDesign and FlightFactor. Will IXEG also be integrated with the new xEnviro version? Thanks.
  6. Yes, of course... I said perfect meaning we can fly usually, without major issues.
  7. Complete flight from KBOS to KLGA with the IXEG 737-300 v1.1 in XP11. It's working almost perfectly.
  8. T- 30 hours and counting...
  9. I'd like this option.
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