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Everything posted by N313GM

  1. This solved the problem for me.
  2. I hate it when that happens. Merry Christmas.
  3. Can I keep the 733 in my X-P 11.05 and copy it into the new version of the X-P 11.10 with our any DRM violation? 33 views later with no reply made me think this has been asked before. Once I found the correct search word(s) I think I found my answer. I can have unlimited copies on the same computer.
  4. Unusually clever video. Way out of the box on this one. Loved it.
  5. In today's economy service is everything. The link I provided, below, is from me. If you read around the .ORG forum you'll see I'm not the only one with this opinion. What we're talking about in this thread is downloading bytes (a product). It cost no more to download bytes than me replying in this thread. I'm not for or against anybody in this thread. I'm suggesting, today, customer service will be the last one standing. As you see in my link, below, I admitted to purposely deleting the file yet they still let me re download it at no extra cost. When I was an FS9 simmer, I was able to re-download for free (Level D). I have one question for RealScenery. When one purchases from you, do you let us know, before purchasing, that there will be a re-download fee? Charging again, albeit for less, to re-download a product does not seem to be the industries norm. If you're worried about your customer downloading again to give to a friend, he/she could have spread your product with their own original copy. http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=48794
  6. :-[ corrected :-[ Thank you.
  7. Yes, I also posted this in another forum. This pic is so out of ordinary and bone chilling to look at I had to post here too 8) This is somewhere between Juneau and Anchorage.
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