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Everything posted by SwissairMD11

  1. I don't know why, but every time I read a new statement from the team, this sound is playing in my head: Like it's almost done.
  2. Me too! Hahah! And thanks Tom for your update, it will be the most awesome plane rolling out for X-Plane, people already sleeping infront of the IXEG hangar, waiting when the doors open. And don't mind a few bugs up-on release, perfection is not always needed to be perfect, look at the 787. A good looking plane (not in everyone's opinion ofcourse) but a few BATT bugs causes fire and they fixed it later on.
  3. Well, they've got families/childeren, and christmas is coming and vaction for the childeren, so it's going to be a busy month for them. Also they mentioned a several times that they do this in their (spare time), they're not doing it for the living (yet). So I do hope they release it in 2015 but I rather give the team time they need. And yes as everyone almost all know "They release it when it's ready"...
  4. Even though how much I love this project, and I respect everything they do and the time they put in it. But I think they won't make 2015 anymore. I'm aiming on Q1 or Q2 2016 rather than Q4 2015.
  5. Attitude is now robbing a bank somewhere
  6. Let's hope it! I will already buy a million noodles and drinks, I will be locked in my room for the coming months.
  7. I just feel the 737 is on short final! Some finishing in touch and she's good to go I guess? Absolute stunning work, no otherway to discribe it. 5+ years and still keeps going. Ain't no developer done that did they? May I ask if the release will be a good chance in 2015? Or is this a no answerable question? Obviously a exact date is not possible but hopefully this year.
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