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Everything posted by cmbaviator

  1. agreed but on the same time regarding performance in the G1000, it only take USG, so better get use to it, as a quick rule of thumb ( can be done mentally) 1USG = 4kg (1-0.1) = 3.6Kg / exact :3.79kg basically X USG = X -10%X kg 10 USG = 36 Kg / exact 37.9kg
  2. performance are good default airport CAVOK (65FPS) Airport scenry from aerosoft ( SBSV) CAVOK: 50 FPS setting : 1440P GTX1080ti 4790k 4.6 GHz
  3. can you upload a short video on the matter ?
  4. what do you mean you can't use it ?
  5. you guys rock!
  6. I will be on vacation next week and i was wondering if I can install a the TBM on my laptop without messing the activation on main PC (desktop) or i need to buy a second copy ? Thanks
  7. your CPU usage is quite low, mine (4790k@4.6Ghz is between 60-80%)
  8. 90 FPS, WTH ???
  9. I can confirm that, very annoying, had to unistall it
  10. I'm jealous? same setting but with an 1080ti and 1440p, but my FPS werent that high, i've just reinstalled Xplane 11 from scratch and i hope to have similar FPS, because 50 fps with orbx GB is just amazing
  11. yeah I noticed that too, maybe a dev will in the futur make an adequate profile ?
  12. Thank you !! It answered my question
  13. fair enough, i will have a look.
  14. i've recherched " rudder trim" in : http://www.tbm.aero/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/PIM__900_AN__E0R2.pdf didn't find a TO value
  15. The pitch is not maintained (1.02) like if we were slightly out of trim? how is that possible ?
  16. I have a few quesitons : 1) Do you have to set the rudder trim for TO? I'm asking that because i'm not familiar with turboreactor aircraft, i used to fly the majestic q400 on P3D and you musn't set the rudder trim for TO in case of the right engine failure. But the TBM being a single turboreactor aircraft I think you can and must set rudder trim for TO. 2) If yes, what is the value ? I know there is a green band for the elevator trim ( indicating the Optimum TO trim value) and same thing for the rudder, Should i set the rudder trim to match the green band ? 3) after setting the AP, will the AP adjust the rudder trim to avoid sliding or it's up to the pilot to manually adjust the ruder trim for each flight phase. Thanks ?
  17. yeah same, flying an A320 or B737 is easier handflying wise and same regarding navigation . here is a sort of FCOM/FCTM of the TBM 900 :http://www.tbm.aero/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/PIM__900_AN__E0R2.pdf Garmin 1000 for TBM850/900 manual: https://static.garmincdn.com/pumac/190-00709-04_0A_Web.pdf
  18. thanks
  19. Hi guys, I found that the G1000 is not very intuitive and easy to plan a flight compared to the FMGS of the Airbus nor the FMC of Boeing. Even with the G1000 manual for the TBM850, it still hard to understand. https://static.garmincdn.com/pumac/190-00709-04_0A_Web.pdf Do you guys know if there is some Youtube videos that shows how to make a flight plan for the TBM850/900 ? : ( Selecting SID/STARS, WPT +AWY, Types of approach : ILS/VOR/GNSS... and entering performance for the VNAV calculations ? Thanks
  20. do you mind sharing your setting ? 25-30 FPS with some clouds is quite nice, ( My VRAM is often between 8-10Gb) I have an 4790k @4.6 and GTX 1080ti on a 1440p monitor but have very low FPS in general, I just formated my Xplane 11 SSD and will reinstall it from scratch, i hope to have correct FPS
  21. ah okay? TQ ?
  22. isn't that the aileron trim ?
  23. Hi guys, I noticed that PFPX had a TBM 850 profile, i would guess that there isn't much difference from the hte TBM 900 except the engine horse power ?? Could you guys gives me the DOW MTW... of the TBM 900 and the performance to add ( Drag (%), Fuel cruise (%) ? Thanks in advance
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