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AlfaMike last won the day on January 16 2017

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    X-Plane, plugin development.

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  1. Thank you very much Sergio!
  2. Gentlemen, we're very happy to say that our site is finally online, another step forward the release of our MD-82! The site is available here: http://ats-simulations.com/ Other than the announcements here, you can subscribe our newsletter in order to receive our news by e-mail. Please feel free to let us know what you think and if you find any kind of problem with the site, thank you very much. AlfaMike
  3. Today I did some specific tests regarding a feature I never told you about: I planned a function in order to automatically update the plane when the plugin find a newer version, in this way you shouldn't worry about missing and/or manual updates and theoretically you could update every single component of the plane (the code allow this), no matter if the update is about a script, a texture, a sound, an object or anything else... the only possible issue is about the generated data traffic when transferring big files such textures or objects, that's something I need to analyze carefully. In short when an update is available you'll see this sequence: You'll decide to accept the update or not, it's up to you. Let's say that you have accepted the update, so let's stop the main script engine: starting to get the updated files and apply them: Finally, you'll be prompted to reload the plane: If something goes wrong during the update process another window will tell you that, the only issues I found during this process are about internet connection and/or server availability, nothing else, in this case you can reload the plane and then choose to try again or decline the update in order to try later.
  4. Another holding test:
  5. Few updates lately as I'm very busy with the holdings management so lot of coding activity, here are two screenshot of actual work in progress: Actually I plan it to be a simple management, probably limited to no more than two, three holdings due the complexity of the system, but I’ll try to improve it in subsequent updates.
  6. Here's the preview development video made by Thomas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqEI853IHQs (sorry I don't know how to insert directly the video)
  7. A screenshot done right now from one of our beta testers: ready for the take off!
  8. Disabling plugins is almost useless because they are already loaded so your tests would be untrusted, you should physically remove them from the plugins folder and then restart X-Plane.
  9. Hello all, 10.50 was officially released, as the rc3 was declared final who have installed it in the past shouldn't receive the message about the new version.
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  10. That 'something' is a redistributable runtime module that allow some plugins to work, without that module you can see strange behaviours. Please note that often you'll need to install more than just one version of that redistributable, starting from 2010 (earlier version are available too but speaking about X-Plane those shouldn't be requested at all) up to 2015, and you need to install them from the oldest upwards.
  11. We're glad to be the one that will let you fall in love with the MD-82!
  12. No, actually such a tool is not planned, I need to think about it but I do not believe it could be implemented in V1.0.
  13. Two screenshots about the takeoff data card work in progress with rain and wind (with and w/o gusts): MAC and ACT TOW values are shown at 0 because when I did the screenshots I didn't have used the load panel to specify pax, cargo and fuel so some computations weren't done yet. Data cards are dynamically updated in real time.
  14. Hi Eddie, actually we're evaluating various possibilities and very easily we'll not give any exclusivity, but I can't tell more about it right now.
  15. Many thanks to all of you! There're a lot of good chances that quality level will be better than our MD-82: actually we're learning some more techniques that years ago were not known at the begin of the project so regarding the MD-11 we'll start in a totally different, and much better, way.
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