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Everything posted by six7

  1. Both simple, and simply beautiful. Nice work Tom
  2. six7

    Project 3

    Wow, Saab 340 looks fantastic. Nicely done
  3. I don't see a plane...
  4. In my experience, a leopard is a leopard... if his spots appear to change, it's probably just a new coat. An infamous Romanian once taught us that some people will do virtually anything for attention. Absolutely nothing replaces the feeling of satisfaction gained from (your own) hard work. People who understand this, do it for their own enjoyment - not for the accolades of others. A PMDG-level 747 would do wonders for the X-Plane community as a whole, especially with the recent influx of new MSFS users. Sadly, most of the talented developers available already have their hands full with other projects. Perhaps, with MS abandoning development of FS, PMDG will see the future benefit of developing for X-Plane? We can hope. This fiasco is a real shame. What a waste.
  5. Perhaps you should heed your own advice?
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