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Everything posted by hdonner

  1. As an option, the ability to easily determine whether the switch is being pushed on or off (in or out) Possibly a momentary short green or red glow. (Not realistic but in the RW, ‘in vs out’ visible and tactile i.e. not an issue. Optional if not desired)
  2. Thanks L1ntzi I made it to that page at one point but somehow missed the “Geo-political” checkbox I appreciate your response
  3. How do I achieve this degree of detail on the number 2 MFD. Specifically airspace, bodies of water etc. I only see navigational symbols I.E. VORs, NDBs airports etc. I’m wondering if this degree of detail requires a Navigraph subscription Thanks in advance
  4. I shall try it ... Thanks Pils
  5. How does one “activate-leg" on the Collins FMS (as opposed to "direct-to? Every reference I have found confuses “direct to” with activating a leg. For example, the Garmin G1000 allows selection of a highlighted leg as the “active leg” (the flight plan leg which is currently used for navigation guidance). “Dragging” the next waypoint up to the second line on the FMS and executing creates a “direct to” Thanks much
  6. I didn't see any other posts with this reference. I've been looking online for this and finally found it, it's like the Holy Grail. I'm not aware of any copyright issues, i.e. it's on Google Docs, so I assume it's legitimate. Enjoy!… https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B06WSw8-Y2wHdXBwY085S0dMOG8/edit
  7. Also see here (works perfectly) . . . GNS 430 - British Aerospace Jetstream 32 - X-Pilot
  8. Same here (on Golden Gate Scenery, San Francisco) Skymaxx Pro 2.1 X-Plane latest release on mac
  9. Thanks JohnMaxx, I'll try that out.
  10. BTW what motivated this link was, I did just that, and loaded about 5 different sky color folders based on an X-Plane org search. The very first one I attempted to load, crashed SkyMaxx and X-Plane. I actually had to rebuild my X-Plane resources just to get X-Plane to run. SkyMaxx loaded strange transparent files into X-Plane which X-Plane was quite unhappy with, i.e. would not run. So . . . To rephrase, does anyone know of any sky color sets that are compatible with SkyMaxx? Incomplete color sets don't work. Thanks much in advance.
  11. (from the manual) . . . Sky Colors This is one of the most subjective topics I have seen in the X-Plane community. With SkyMAXX Pro, you have the ability to install as many different sky colors sets as you would like. Once installed, they will show up in the user interface and be selectable. There are many freeware options out there already. Find the sky set that appeals to you. Anybody have links to other Sky Color sets?
  12. Thanks much! For me it's more than an asthetic issue. Having the ability to turn down vis greatly improves my frame-rate when flying without Skymaxx. I assume the same will be true with Skymaxx installed. I greatly look forward to reduced vis plus Skymaxx. Fantastic program BTW. Look forward to the patch.
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