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flightyler last won the day on February 24

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  1. I’ve been wanting a proper 717 since before the IXEG 737 came out lol
  2. Any news on if it’s being worked on now? Very much looking forward to this!
  3. It would be awesome if we could have steam instruments like Southwest had on their -300s.
  4. I found this over on the G500 support forum "This does not affect the HSI for flying approaches, just the depiction on the map." so the 430 should still drive the HSI on the RNAV approach.
  5. Should it drive the CDI with RNAV? I understand not depicting the procedure on the MFD but I can't get it to drive the CDI at all for the RNAV meaning it's completely impossible to use for an RNAV approach.
  6. So it is impossible to shoot an RNAV approach with the G500? I understand not depicting it on the map but it won't drive the CDI either.
  7. Using the GNS 430 and G500 RNAV approaches are not working. If you load the RNAV procedure the G500 still shows direct to the airport on the CDI and does not depict the RNAV approach at all.
  8. issue also exists with other liveries
  9. Not sure if bug or not but I just noticed there are no inspection panels on the bottom of the left wing.
  10. Yup that's what it was OVC002 if I recall correctly... also using asxp/rwc and xvisibility plugin. Surface visibility was supposed to be 5sm but appeared to be at least 20.
  11. phenom300 - 2021-03-24 1.12.54 PM.avi
  12. Slider is maxed out
  13. When I descend through a overcast layer into fog the clouds disappear the visibility improves and then the fog snaps in. 1886294421_TBM900-2021-01-2312_17_38.avi
  14. The billboard issue seems to be fixed after a restart but I can still see through an undercast
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